What is SLT? What SLT means?
If you are looking to find out what does SLT mean exactly, then you have landed in the right place. Here, we are going to provide you the real definition of SLT so that you can find out SLT stands for what, the SLT meaning, the SLT definition.
Commonly SLT stands for "Salut, Hello". Many people who used SLT, most of time they refer "Salut, Hello". So, the definition of SLT is "Salut, Hello".
So, from which country did people start to say SLT as a short form of "Salut, Hello"?
Well, people form France started to refer SLT as "Salut, Hello".
So, does SLT mean French?
Yep, it is. Most of people from France use SLT as a short of "Salut, Hello".
However, outside of the France, people also use SLT with other meanings, such as "Something Like That", "So Little Time", "Second Life Time", "Stuff Like that" or "Simple Love Tweet". But, most of people know SLT as "Salut, Hello".
Have you ever thought why did people start to use short form instead of just full forms of the words?
Well, we think it started with internet era where people use short form of the words while they are texting with their friends because it will be more fast and easy to type short form of the words than their full forms. But, there are still some people who use to say short forms like OMG, LOL and so on even when they are not texting, but also when they are talking. So, do you have any idea why people use the short form of the words even when they are talking? You can share your thoughts about it using our comment section as below.
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Hi, nice little post you have here, and I like the subject! SLT...who would have thought it French! hehe...
Though you say most people know it as French Salut, Hello, I would have thought that the English shorts you gave would be more popular - especially now a days in the social media era!
Looking forward to see more of your shorts...if you have =)
Sure, we are going to post more new short forms. Actually we want to add all short forms, but let's see how far we can manage 🙂