
We identify scams by keeping an eye on advertisements across social media and different ad networks. We examine information such as the company's address, parent company name, trust seal, social media activity, customer complaints, discount offers, copied contents, website layouts, and many more.

In some cases, we go a step further and actually buy products, services, and schemes to get the real experience and test the legitimacy of the websites and other online activities.

Our team consists of online review experts with extensive experience in this field. Committed to delivering reliable and original content, we prioritize uniqueness and trustworthiness in our reviews. Learn more about our team here:

In this scam category, you'll discover reviews covering a range of scams. Explore the detailed reviews of these scams here.

Post Office, Thank you for choosing us - Email Scam

"Post Office, Thank you for choosing us - South African Post Office, Dear Customer, // Thank you for choosing us, Your Package was not delivered because no customs duties were paid . You must complete the payment of (29,75 R) . Pay customs fees by clicking on the following link. Send My Package... Note: Our TEAM[…]

Scam! Meta Important Notice: Suspension Pending Review

“Meta For Business, Important Notice: Suspension Pending Review — This is the Meta Pro Team. We are attempting to contact you regarding your infringing with our Community Standards. Meta respects your right of expression and your desire to conduct business on the Internet. We have initiated the procedure to deactivate your account according to decision[…]

Ayiomel Genuine Or Scam? Review

Our evaluation, outlined in the Ayiomel review, indicates that operates as a scam online store. So, we recommend you to avoid shopping here to minimize the risk of receiving poor quality items, wrong orders, or nothing at all. Furthermore, there's a possibility of credit card misuse as well. Now, you may be thinking why[…]

Usgoods Life Scam Or Genuine? Usgoods.Life Review

As per the findings of our Usgoods Life review, we've classified Usgoods.Life as a scam online store. We suggest you to avoid making any purchases on this platform to prevent receiving low quality products, incorrect orders, or no items at all. Additionally, there's also a risk of credit card misuse. Now, you may be thinking[…] — Scam or Genuine?

Watch out for websites connected to the email address "" or associated with the domain This email has been tied to multiple problematic sites. Stay alert and steer clear of these platforms to safeguard yourself from potential issues. Sites associated with this email address are either sending wrong items, poor quality items, or nothing[…] — Scam or Genuine?

Beware of websites associated with the email address "" or linked to the email domain This email address has been linked to numerous problematic sites. Sites associated with this email address are either sending wrong items, poor quality items, or nothing at all. So, we want to ask you either you have purchased anything[…]

Bitaveo Scam Or Genuine? Review

As per the Bitaveo review, is considered a scam because it operates an illegal Ponzi Scheme. Initially, Bitaveo may make payments, but it is expected to stop later on. Now, you might be wondering why is a scam, right? If so, then here, we will give you an informative Bitaveo review, along with[…]

Tabithin Scam Or Genuine? Review

Our evaluation, outlined in the Tabithin review, indicates that operates as a scam online store. So, we recommend you to avoid shopping here to minimize the risk of receiving poor quality items, wrong orders, or nothing at all. Furthermore, there's a possibility of credit card misuse as well. Now, you may be thinking why[…]

Baozem Scam Or Genuine? Review

In short, is identified as a scam due to its operation of an illegal business known as a Ponzi Scheme. While it may initially pay out, it is likely to cease payments later on. Thus, according to the Baozem review, it is labeled as an "illegal Ponzi Scheme." Now, you might be wondering why[…]

Okolm Scam Or Genuine? Review

According to our Okolm review, has been found as a scam online store. We advise you not to shop on this website to avoid the chances of receiving low quality products, incorrect deliveries, or no items whatsoever. Moreover, there's a risk of experiencing credit card misuse. Now, you may be thinking why do we[…]