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Top 10 Corrupt Country in the World

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This list, most corrupt countries in the world, is based on the Transparency International's annual review 2016 which includes mix of government and business sources for its rankings known as Corruption Perceptions Index which ranks countries with a score from 0 to 100 where 100 means the most least corrupted countries and 0 means the highest corrupted country. Means those countries which have got less score, they are more corrupted. This data derived by taking into consideration the poor governance and weak institutions.

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 Anyway, none of the countries have got 0 Corruption Perceptions Index, but there is one country which has only got 10 Corruption Perceptions Index, and that is Somalia. Till 2015, Somalia was only getting 8 Corruption Perceptions Index, but at least it manages to get 10 in 2016. So, Somalia is the most corrupted country in the world and that is also from 10 years continuously.
South Sudan has got 11 Corruption Perceptions Index to hold the position of second corrupted country in the world. After that North Korea ranks in third position with 12 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). And Syria in fourth position with 13 CPI and Yemen, Sudan, Libya are together in fifth position with 14 CPI.
So, if you are looking for the top 10 corrupt country, then here we are providing you additional bonus, means the list of top 20 corrupt countries in the world as below.

The list of top 20 corrupt countries in 2016 are as below:-

The No.1 means the most corrupt country and CPI means the Corruption Perceptions Index.

  1. Somalia - 10 CPI
  2. South Sudan - 11 CPI
  3. North Korea - 12 CPI
  4. Syria - 13 CPI
  5. Yemen, Sudan and Libya - 14 CPI
  6. Afghanistan - 15 CPI
  7. Guinea-Bissau - 16 CPI
  8. Venezuela and Iraq - 17 CPI
  9. Eritrea and Angola - 18 CPI
  10. Republic of Congo, Haiti, Chad, Central African Republic, Burundi -20CPI
  11. Uzbekistan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Cambodia - 21 CPI
  12. Zimbabwe and Turkmenistan - 22 CPI
  13. Comoros - 24 CPI
  14. Uganda and Tajikistan - 25 CPI
  15. Nicaragua, Madagascar, Kenya, Gambia, Cameroon and Bangladesh-26CPI
  16. Mozambique, Mauritania and Guinea - 27 CPI
  17. Papua NewGuinea, Nigeria, Myanmar, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan and Guatemala - 28 CPI
  18. Ukraine, Russia, Nepal, Kazakhstan and Iran - 29 CPI
  19. Sierra Leone, Paraguay, Moldova, Mexico, Laos, Honduras, Djibouti and Azerbaijan - 31 CPI
  20. Malawi, Ecuador and Dominican Republic - 32 CPI

Well, now you find the list of top 20 corrupt countries in the world in 2016. Actually due to the same Corruption Perceptions Index value, we have listed more than one country in the same rank due to which you actually get the list of more than top 50 corrupt countries in the world.

However, if you are also interested to find out the list of most least corrupt countries world wide, then you can find them listed as below where No.1 denotes the least corrupt country world wide.

The list of top 20 most least corrupt countries world wide in 2016:-

  1. Denmark and New Zealand -  90 CPI
  2. Finland - 89 CPI
  3. Sweden - 88 CPI
  4. Switzerland - 86 CPI
  5. Norway - 85 CPI
  6. Singapore - 84 CPI
  7. Netherlands - 83 CPI
  8. Canada - 82 CPI
  9. Germany, Luxembourg and United Kingdom - 81 CPI
  10. Australia - 79 CPI
  11. Iceland - 78 CPI
  12. Hong Kong and Belgium - 77 CPI
  13. Austria - 75 CPI
  14. United States - 74 CPI
  15. Ireland - 73 CPI
  16. Japan - 72 CPI
  17. Uruguay - 71 CPI
  18. Estonia - 70 CPI
  19. France - 69 CPI
  20. Bahamas, Chile and United Arab Emirates - 66 CPI

As you can see in the list of top least corrupted country and top most corrupted country as above, the most least corrupted countries are from Europe and the most corrupted countries are from Africa and Asia. However, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan are the countries from Asia which manages to take the spot in top 20 least corrupted countries in the world where as Singapore even manages to take the spot at top 10 least corrupted countries in the world.

If you want to find out which countries are going to be listed as top least and most corrupted countries in the world in 2017, then keep on following our website. As soon Transparency International's released its 2017 annual review, we will make new post on that.

If you want to share something about the corruption in the countries, then please feel free to use our comment section below.

Let's hope the world will be in peace soon and all countries get at least more than 80 Corruption Perceptions Index.

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.

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