Review: Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty & Realistic Dog Scam or Legit? Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc.

Beware of suspicious online stores, such as Lunerbuy, Buymybestitem, Acrismilko, Tashow, GoodDealsUS,,,,,,, and so on (you can report more sites below in the comment section - you no need to provide your email address to comment if you don't want), that are selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." at a heavy discount price with almost same product details and images. So, if you have found any unknown or new online store which is selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." at a heavily discounted price, then you should know that is not a genuine or trustworthy online store. Well, now let’s find out why the sites which are selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." are not legit through this review.

Complaints for Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey Realistic Teddy Dog Realistic Bunny etc Fake or Real Legit or Fraud

Sites which are selling Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc. are fraudulent or problematic online stores due to the following reasons:-

# All online stores that are selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." at a heavy discount price or at abnormal price than the normal market rate, haven’t provided any contact details or haven't provided their real warehouse’s or company’s address. However, legit online stores always provide the detailed company’s address but scam online stores are always found to be hiding their identity or providing fake or copy-pasted contact details or providing the name of such parent company (such as Bumperr LTD, Qandies LTD etc.) that is responsible for running multiple scams or problematic sites.

# Like lots of scam sites, the sites that are selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." at an abnormal price are also poorly designed which look similar to lots of scam sites. For example; their website theme is very untidy; lots of details provided on their sites match with multiple scam sites; those online stores are offering most of the products on sale by providing a heavy discount price; those online stores haven't secured their website properly and some of them even have provided the fake trust seal logos of McAfee, Norton, etc. due to which your personal and financial information, such as your credit card information might be stolen if you shop at those online stores.

# Most of the online stores selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." are providing email addresses belong to domain such as, and so on. You should know that these days multiple problematic and scam sites are using email addresses related to the domain. You can find out more information about such email addresses sites by clicking >HERE<.

# All online stores that are selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." at an abnormal price have lots of similarities with multiple scam online stores. So, online stores selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." at an abnormal price may be also operating by the same owner.

# These days multiple new online stores are claiming to sell various items on huge discount, but most of them are scams. So, it’s better to stay away from the new online stores or at least do some research before you purchase something from the new online stores because most of these new online stores don’t deliver the purchased items to their clients or, deliver completely different or very low-quality items. Some of these kinds of online stores even have charged the credit card of clients randomly without their consent. So, if you have ever purchased mistakenly from scam sites, we suggest you immediately contact your bank or credit card company to secure your credit card information.

Now you must be clear about scam or problematic online stores that are selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." So, if you want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below. You can also comment below to report about similar kinds of scams or even to report about any kinds of scams. After all, we are here to spread awareness about the scams. So, let’s do it together. Let’s save innocent people from scams.

If you want to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of these fraud or problematic online stores that are selling "Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty and Realistic Dog like Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc." at an abnormal price, then please feel free to do so.

Actually, we recommend you to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts because it will help to spread the awareness about this scam and other similar kinds of scams. More we share about scams with our friends and families, more they will be aware of these kinds of scams which will ultimately make difficult for a scammer to scam innocent people. So, it’s better you share this post with your friends and families if you want to fight back with the scammer.

You can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE< or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.

Actually, these days there are lots of similar kinds of scam online stores claiming to sell various branded and non-branded products. So, it’s better you shop only from renowned online stores like Amazon and so on to save yourself from these kinds of scams. Or, at least do some research before you purchase anything from unknown online stores.

We request you to spread awareness about the scam and suspicious online websites/activities by sharing the information provided on our website [] through your social media accounts which can help your families and friends to be safe from scams. The numbers of online scams are massively increasing each day with ever new tricks and strategies, so it has become very crucial to aware the society about those scammers so that it will make scammer difficult to scam people. So, please let your friends and families know that they can rely on our website [] to check the legitimacy of any online websites. You can also bookmark our website so that it will be easy for you to visit our website repeatedly at the time of need to check the legitimacy of any online companies or online activities.

Thank you.

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.


18 responses to “Review: Lifelike Animal Realistic Kitty & Realistic Dog Scam or Legit? Realistic Yorkie Dog Casey, Realistic Teddy Dog, Realistic Bunny, etc.”

  1. is there any legitime website or store that you can buy decent robotic animals from ?

  2. I received a white puppy. It was supposed to be lifelike! Nope!!!!!! Just a plain ugly dog with no batteries!! Sick of these scams. It came from California.

  3. Not sure have not ordered but is offering realistic dogs at almost $25. They are offering a husky and a few others. Anyone have experience with them??

  4. Kailin Z. Avatar i ordered a realistic bunny it was a scam it wasn't realistic at all it was a cheap 2$ toy.

  5. Orvie Capponi Avatar
    Orvie Capponi

    I ordered a Realistic Kitty. It is a piece of junk. it isn't even soft or cuddly.

  6. DAVID WISE Avatar

    Here's another site is a scam. I bought 2 dogs and 1 kitten. The first dog was suppose to be a pit bull puppy, ya right what I got was something that looks like a bull dog, the second dog was supposed to be a black lab puppy well it was a very small terrier, and the kitten does look like a kitten but not what I ordered. I did contact them and they did offer me a 60% refund. They also said that it will take 5 to 15 business days for it to be refunded. They apologize for the mess up and for me to keep them. Watch out people those sites will rip you off. I will write again if and once the refund comes

  7. L. Smith Avatar

    Scam that is on 'Happy Color' App. (Found on app store for Apple and Andriod) -
    Did not buy the product, I researched it to make sure at 1st. This hopefully will help others before getting scammed. Great website for others. Shows people care about others and not just about money.

    1. De Roka - Avatar
      De Roka -

      Thanks for reporting to us about Yes, it is not a good website.

  8. Susan L Forbes Avatar
    Susan L Forbes

    I had never heard of this scam before today when I received the two doxie's I ordered for $25.00 each. I was showing them to a friend & wanted them to see the catalog item I bought. Bing found several sites and yours. was unavailable but not when I purchased the items (the address on the package received was ZJLogistics, 3979 E Guast Road, Unit A, Ontario, CA 91761).
    I was then directed to your page. Thank you for the informative article Frustrated shopper.

  9. Realistic yorkie Casey at is also a scam. I requested a refund and here are the emails I have gotten back:
    Fri 2020-10-30 12:53 AM
    Dear buyer,
    We are so sorry for the trouble.We know the item doesn't reach your expectation,but the items are in low price and you can use it normally, right?how about we give u some discount in your next order?
    You know we did not get much money on your item,really hope you can understand it.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Best regards
    Dear buyer,
    Sorry for the troubles caused to you.
    We know it is really hard for you to accept our apology, because we brought you such an unpleasant experience.In order to solve the problem first, how about we refund you 5% of your order amout as the compensation and you can keep the item?Do you agree? Please keep in touch if any problem.
    Waiting for your reply and Have a nice day.
    Best regards

  10. Sheila Miller Avatar
    Sheila Miller if the email on my website where I bought one of those realistic dogs I'm glad I didn't get more than one there's a little stuffed animal it won't work a dollar less than 33 dollars it's a scam it doesn't even look like the dogs that they show who doesn't do nothing is just a stuffed animal...

  11. Realistic Yorkie dog from is a scam. "Dog-like movements & sounds: our revolutionary vibrapurr technology gives the dog an authentic purr that sounds and feels just like real purring. Our companion pet dog is able to open and close its eyes, lift its paw, open its mouth and move its head and body. Built in sensors: using the built in sensors, our companion pet dog responds to motion and touch such as petting and hugging." What you get is a very cheap stuffed animal with none of the described features. Worth $2, not $20 plus shipping.

    1. That’s just what I told my credit card co: a cheap Dollar Store toy worth $2.

  12. Keith Purdon Avatar
    Keith Purdon

    Bonniing are advertising a 23 channel 2.4ghz radio control excavator that is actually a christmas cracker type cheap plastic toy. I am on the verge of opening a Paypal dispute in an attempt to get my money back although there is no guarantee that I will ever succeed I had to do something.

    1. People are having problems with Pay Pal disputes. I bypassed PP and directly disputed the charge with one of my cards attached to PP.

  13. Joyce Lopez Avatar
    Joyce Lopez

    i ordered 2 of the realistic puppies and they are just a cheap stuffed animal not worth the $19.00 ech i had ordered for my new daughter i can get a better one just going to any store like wal mart CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP I DONT RECIMEND TO ANY ONE

  14. CheNitta Givens Avatar
    CheNitta Givens

    Ladies & gents, DO NOT BUY FROM WEWEYOUYY.
    I thought I was buying a Bluetooth bracelet that projects the screen of your phone onto your arm but instead I received a cheap, generic knockoff of a FitBit with no projection onto the arm. When I asked for instructions on how to return the product and attempted to get a refund, I was asked to keep the cheap product as "it is good product & we didn't take much money from you". I'm currently working with Paypal to get my refund. BUYER BEWARE!

  15. Elaine Kay Dunning Avatar
    Elaine Kay Dunning

    My so called "Casey" dog eventually arrived. OH MY SHOCK!!!!!! The dog? It looks nothing like anything I have ever seen. White body of a pig /,ears of a bunny/scarey eyes/and a tale like a kangaroo/with a piece of string and plunger to attach to your car window!!! Yes it is a con & not a pleasant " thing " To look at.

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