If you are looking for what does Fala Amo mean, the meaning of Fala Amo, the acronym of Fala Amo, the definition of Fala Amo, the abbreviation of Fala Amo, then you are in the right place because here we are going to provide you the Fala Amo slang meaning, the Fala Amo definition, the Fala Amo acronym, the Fala Amo abbreviation as well as how this acronym Fala Amo is used over the conversations.
So, then what is “Fala Amo”? For what does Fala Amo stand?

The word Fala Amo became popular due to the song released in 2019 by an artist "Bring Me The Horizon", an album called Amo. The lyrics of the song is "Don’t say you love me Fala Amo, just let your heart speak up and I will know". So, now let's find out what Fala Amo means.
Fala Amo is a Portuguese word which direct translation is "say you love me". Now people are confused since direct translation doesn't fit well in the lyrics of the song because if we translate lyrics directly, it will be "Don´t say you love me, say you love me, just let your heart speak up and I will know". Now, why an artist is saying "don't say you love me" and again saying " say you love me"?
In this song his girlfriend is Brazilian, in Brazil they speak Portuguese. So, actually, he is telling his girlfriend "say you love me" in her mother tongue and not in English.
Well, now you know the meaning of Fala Amo from the above definition, so if you want to say something about it or if you know the additional meanings of Fala Amo or want to elaborate the meaning of the Fala Amo song lyrics, then please feel free to leave your comment below.
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