Scam: Sylveste19r Fake Sylvester Stallone FB Account Claiming to Giveaway Millions of Dollars Randomly

Fake Sylvester Stallone Account Claiming to Giveaway Millions of Dollars Randomly Not Legit | De Reviews

Fraud Alert! Beware of fake social media posts circulating around in the name of popular movie star Sylvester Stallone claiming to giveaway $300,000 to millions of dollars by selecting people randomly. You can find such fake social media posts posted from the fake accounts of Sylvester Stallone such as Sylveste19r or Sylvester G Stall0ne and so on. You can find below a few examples of such fake messages:

"Apply from your home and get $ 300,000 in 15 seconds, we publish it to help people because of the Corona virus outbreak that has prevented many people from working.
The first 10,000 people who wrote the word "STAY AT HOME" without being bothered by others won $ 300,000
WARNING: Please, this prize is for people who have never won our prize before.
Send us a message via the Send Message button below after you have finished writing and your money will be sent to you instantly.
Your time starts now."

"Surprise for the next 6 hours I will randomly pick people up on Facebook, everyone who shares will receive a gift card, cash, and big winners will be able to win a car and house. Choose the number that matches your date of birth and you will receive it according to your name. Make it by faith.
1 __ 10 million
2 __ 20 million
3 __ 90 million
4 __ 50 million
5 __ 20 million
6 __ 90 million
7 __ 20 million
8 __ 80 million
9 __ 10 million
10 __ 60 million
11 __ 70 million
12 __ 50 million
13 __ 90 million
14 __ 60 million
15 __ 10 million
16 __ 40 million
17 __ 90 million
18 __ 10 million
19 __ 70 million
20 __ 40 million
21 __ 60 million
22 __ 80 million
23 __ 10 million
24 __ 90 million
25 __ 70 million
26 __ 80 million
27 ___ 20 million
28 ___ 50 million
29 ___ 60 million
30 ___ 75 million
31 ___ 40 million
Share this post now in 5-10 groups. More chances of winning. Your money will be sent within 5 minutes of sending a message, don't ignore it, this could be your chance. Your time starts now. Good luck and bless you all!"

"Сюрприз протягом наступних 6 годин я випадковим чином підберу людей у ​​Facebook, кожен, хто поділиться, отримає подарункову карту, готівку, а великі переможці зможуть виграти машину та будинок. Виберіть номер, який відповідає вашій даті народження, і ви отримаєте його відповідно до свого імені. Зробіть це вірою ..
1 __10 мільйонів
2 __ 20 мільйонів
3 __ 90 мільйонів
4 __ 50 мільйонів
5 __ 20 мільйонів
6 __ 90 мільйонів
7 __ 20 мільйонів
8 __ 80 мільйонів
9 __10 мільйонів
10 __ 60 мільйонів
11 __ 70 мільйонів
12__ 50 мільйонів
13 __ 90 мільйонів
14 __ 60 мільйонів
15 __ 10 мільйонів
16 __ 40 мільйонів
17 __ 90 мільйонів
18 __ 10 мільйонів
19 __ 70 мільйонів
20 __ 40 мільйонів
21 __ 60 мільйонів
22 __ 80 мільйонів
23 __10 мільйонів
24 __ 90 мільйонів
25 __ 70 мільйонів
26 __ 80 мільйонів
27___20 мільйонів
28___50 мільйонів
29___ 60 мільйонів
30___75 мільйонів
31___40 мільйонів
Поділіться цією публікацією зараз у 5-10 групах. Більше шансів на перемогу. Ваші гроші будуть надіслані протягом 5 хвилин після відправлення повідомлення, не ігноруйте його, це може бути ваш шанс. Ваш час починається зараз. Удачі і благословляй вас усіх!"

"Where are you from? 1-?? 2-?? 3-?? 4-?? 5-?? 6-?? 7-?? 8-?? 9-?? ........ 242-??????? 243-??
Share this post to group 10 now.more share more chances to win.your money will be sent 1 hour chancs your time starts now .good bless you" OR

Fake Sylvester Stallone Account Claiming to Giveaway Millions of Dollars Randomly Not Legit | De Reviews

The reality of scam social media posts: "Sylvester Stallone will randomly pick people up on Facebook, everyone who shares will receive a gift card, cash, and big winners will be able to win a car and house."

The fraud social media posts: “Sylvester Stallone will randomly pick people up on Facebook, everyone who shares will receive a gift card, cash, and big winners will be able to win a car and house.” and so on are nothing other than the fake social media posts shared with the intention to scam you. These posts are not from Sylvester Stallone but are from scammers.

Whenever you got these kinds of posts, you should not share those posts, or comment on those posts or click any link provided on those posts or follow any instruction provided on those posts. Instead, you should check on the official social media page of the respective movie stars to confirm either these kinds of posts are real or fake. You should know that the social media page of popular movie stars will have always a verification tick mark (blue tick mark in case of FB) just after their social media page name. So, if you can't find such a tick mark on movie stars' social media page, then you should know those are fake social media pages of respective movie stars.

If you think twice, you can even find out yourself that these kinds of posts claiming to giveaway millions of dollars are fake because why any rich people want to donate their money to random people instead of donating that to poor people who are in need or to some charity organizations? If some rich people ever want to donate their money, they won't donate that by picking up random people because, in such a way, they even may end up giving their money to someone who is already rich. So, no one will do something like that.

What is the motive behind these Sylvester Stallone fraud social media posts?

These kinds of fake social media posts are being shared by scammers to get your personal information so that they can scam you. So, you should not follow any instructions provided on these posts. For example, this fraud posts circulating around in the name of Sylvester Stallone is asking you to select the number that matches with your date of birth and share the post in 5-10 groups. So, it is clear that this scammer is trying to hack your personal details and also making you fool by sharing his/her post on multiple groups so that he can get tons of followers on his social media page. Once these scammers got enough number of followers on their social media pages, they will rename their social media pages and will sell to third parties as per the number of followers they have. Not only that, but they also will try to hack your personal information as far as possible so that they can scam you later by misusing those information or they simply sell that information to third parties.

Sometimes, these kinds of posts may also ask you to click some links. If you click any link provided on these posts or download anything from the website that you visit from those links or follow any instructions, then you may end up losing your personal information. The links provided on these posts may lead you to malicious websites that may contain some viruses or malware or spyware that can hack your device to get your personal information.

Once these cybercriminals get your personal information, they make money by selling those details. If they get your credit card information, even they can steal money from your credit card. So, you should not follow any instructions provided on these kinds of posts.

Now you know these posts are not shared by Sylvester Stallone himself but by scammers. This scammer may use multiple movie stars or other popular person names to share such similar posts. So, help us by reporting similar posts by using the comment section below.

Now you know the reality of social media posts like: "Sylvester Stallone will randomly pick people up on Facebook, everyone who shares will receive a gift card, cash, and big winners will be able to win a car and house." So, if you want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below. You can also comment below to report about similar kinds of scams or even to report about any kinds of scams. After all, we are here to spread awareness about the scams. So, let’s do it together. Let’s save innocent people from scams.

You can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE< or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.

If you want to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of this "Sylvester Stallone claiming to giveaway gift card, cash, car, and house" scam posts, then please feel free to do so.

Actually, we recommend you to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts because it will help to spread the awareness about this scam and other similar kinds of scams. More we share about scams with our friends and families, more they will be aware of these kinds of scams which will ultimately make scammer difficult to scam innocent people. So, it’s better you share this post with your friends and families if you want to fight back with the scammer.

We request you to spread awareness about the scam and suspicious online websites/activities by sharing the information provided on our website [] through your social media accounts which can help your families and friends to be safe from scams. The numbers of online scams are massively increasing each day with ever new tricks and strategies, so it has become very crucial to aware the society about those scammers so that it will make scammer difficult to scam people. So, please let your friends and families know that they can rely on our website [] to check the legitimacy of any online websites. You can also bookmark our website so that it will be easy for you to visit our website repeatedly at the time of need to check the legitimacy of any online companies or online activities.

Thank you.

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.

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