This post is here to tell you about Coronavirus scams, also called COVID-19 scams, and the COVID-19 myths. Some people are trying to take advantage of this virus situation, so it's important to know about them.
- Brief Introduction on Coronavirs Scams (COVID-19 Scams):
- What is COVID 19 (Coronavirus Disease)?
- How COVID-19 can be infected?
- Most recommended preventive measures by WHO in case of COVID-19 pandemic:
- The best precaution to alert yourself: Always think your hands are dirty.
- What should you do if you are suspected or infected?
- Who are at high risk?
- Coronavirus Scams (COVID-19 Scams): Beware of scams sites taking benefit of Coronavirus:
- Answers of FAQs on Coronavirus scams (COVID-19 scams) and myths:
- More FAQs related to Coronavirus
- Final Note on Coronavirus Scams (COVID-19 Scams):
Brief Introduction on Coronavirs Scams (COVID-19 Scams):
People and companies in different countries are using the Coronavirus to their advantage. They manipulate the stock market and raise the prices of essential things. For example, they are increasing prices of hand sanitizers and masks.
Among these, the most dangerous ones are those spreading fake precaution methods. They do it to get a few likes on their social media pages, and to make money.
And, the worse ones are the online scammers. They scam people by claiming to sell essential items like masks and hand sanitizers. But, they are just taking money from people but not delivering anything to them.
You can find multiple online scam sites claiming to sell masks and hand sanitizers in the name of Coronavirus. You can find the list of such scam sites by clicking >HERE<.
We are not saying they are selling the wrong items. They claim to sell real masks and hand sanitizers, but the problem is, they don't actually have those products. They will just take you money and won't send you anything.
These scammers are just fishing around to get your money and credit card details. They can even charge your credit card further without your consent. So, never ever shop at any unknown online store.
You can find more details about these kinds of scams later in this post. However, first of all, let's find out what Coronavirus is, its symptoms, and the best prevention methods for it.

What is COVID 19 (Coronavirus Disease)?
COVID-19 was previously referred as 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Since it is caused by the virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was initially identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in late December 2019. Since then, it has spread globally. People believed that the virus probably originated from the Seafood Wholesale Market in China. Later, people believed that the virus probably came from bats. They also believed that the virus probably originated from a Wet Market selling live animals in China.
Previously, World Health Organization officially announced Coronavirus a 'Global Pandemic" from "Global Epidemic" on Wednesday 11 March 2020.
According to the CDC, a global pandemic occurs when viruses can easily infect people and spread efficiently from person to person in multiple regions.
How COVID-19 can be infected?
COVID-19 spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets during coughing or sneezing. The time range between exposure and the appearance of symptoms is from two to fourteen days. The median incubation period is 5 to 6 days.
What are the symptoms?
Common Symptoms:
- Fever
- Dry Cough
- Fatigue
Uncommon Symptoms:
- Shortness of breath
- Headache
- Diarrhea
- Muscle or joint pain
- Nasal congestion
- Vomiting or/and Nausea
- Sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, coughing up sputum (less common)
Severe Symptoms:
- High fever
- Multi-organ failure and pneumonia
- Coughing up blood
- The decrease in WBC (White Blood Cells)
Most recommended preventive measures by WHO in case of COVID-19 pandemic:
- You should get vaccine against the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Avoid touching things like door handles, handrails, and elevator buttons in public places. Also, be careful with surfaces in public toilets, like sinks and flush handles.
- Frequently clean your high touch surfaces in the home i.e. tables, doorknobs, handles, sinks, cell phones, light switches, toilets, etc.
- Frequently wash hands with soap or hand wash liquid for at least 20 seconds with the correct technique.
- Use alcohol-based sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol-based) in case of no hand wash and water available.
- Practice good respiratory and personal hygiene.
- Maintain distance from sick people or generally from those who are coughing.
- Limit close contact when you go out in public.
- No traveling i.e. cruise, bus or air etc. travels without an emergency.
- Avoid the crowd and unnecessary meetings, public gatherings, and activities as much as possible.
- Steer clear of misinformation widely spread through online/social media.
- Avoid touching the face especially mouth, nose and eyes with an unwashed hand.
- Cover mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing with tissues or bent elbow.
- Use masks by the suspected ones and those who are nursing/taking care of them.
- Avoid eating with bare or unwashed hands in public areas.
The best precaution to alert yourself: Always think your hands are dirty.
It sounds funny but it is the best way to increase your consciousness to prevent yourself from coronavirus. If you think your hands are dirty, then you will not touch your face or any part of your body. Also, you will avoid touching anything unnecessarily with those hands.
So, keep in mind that your hands are always dirty.
And, always wash your hand whenever you touch the banknotes and coins.
Anyone, including coronavirus patients, frequently touches money, which circulates from one person to another.
So, money (banknotes and coins) can spread the coronavirus rapidly. That's why it's better to wash your hand or at least use hand sanitizer whenever you touch banknotes and coins.
What should you do if you are suspected or infected?
- Self-isolation for fourteen days if you are suspected of the virus infection.
- Follow CDC instruction for “how to take care of yourself at home” if you get sick.
- Call your doctor if you feel like having symptoms.
- Know when to get emergency help and get medical attention immediately if you have any emergency warning signs.
- Frequently wash hands with soap or hand wash liquid for at least 20 seconds with the correct technique with water. Wash your hands after going to the toilet, blowing your nose, before and after eating. Also, wash them after coughing or sneezing, when they are dirty, or after being in public places.
- Wear a facemask and cover the nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing.
- Call the doctor or healthcare provider before visiting them.
- Avoid sharing personal household items i.e. towel, plates, spoons, toilets, etc.
Who are at high risk?
- Older adults.
- A person with medical health condition especially diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, lung and cardiovascular diseases.
But, that doesn't mean others are risk free. Actually, everyone is at risk and everyone shall equally apply safety measures at far as possible.
Coronavirus Scams (COVID-19 Scams): Beware of scams sites taking benefit of Coronavirus:
People of various countries are capitalizing on the effect of this COVID-19 and spreading unnecessary rumors for their vest interest.
It seems like humanity is really vanishing from this planet. Otherwise, coronavirus is not something people shall count on their profit and benefits. During the COVID-19 pandemic, let's encourage each other. Help and support one another in every possible way to fight against this global challenge.
You can find numbers of scam sites that are/were actively advertising and selling various products like N-95, N-97 masks & other face masks, hand sanitizers, tissues, medicines, etc. in the name of this virus.
So, we all shall be aware of these scam sites. That's why we suggest shopping for related products only from reputable online stores. Consider places like Amazon to protect yourself from scams and ensure a safe shopping experience.
Or, at least do some research before you purchase anything from unknown online stores.
We shall also follow the facts that WHO and CDC as well as NHC, China are flowing for public concerns. So please refer to WHO, CDC, and NHC official websites for accurate info. Avoid relying on random blogs or social media pages.
Answers of FAQs on Coronavirus scams (COVID-19 scams) and myths:
Some people and scammers spread fake news about COVID-19, making up fake instances. So, we strongly recommend checking a genuine source before believing any kind of buzz.
Don't believe in internet rumors; instead, adopt precautionary measures in your daily life. Save yourself, your family, and the entire community by taking necessary safety precautions.
Below you can find answers to the FAQs relatd to some of those Coronavirus myths and scams.
Can drinking methanol, ethanol or bleach prevent or cure Coronavirus COVID-19?
This is the global concern of the people that drinking methanol, ethanol or bleach can prevent or cure Coronavirus COVID-19 or not.
According to WHO, drinking methanol, ethanol, or bleach doesn't prevent or cure COVID-19. Doing so is extremely dangerous as these substances are poisons and can harm internal organs, possibly leading to death or disability. Cleaning products use these to kill the virus on surfaces, but they will not kill the virus in your body.
To protect ourself against COVID-19, we have to disinfect objects and surfaces which we touch on regular basis like door nob, toilet flush, basin sinks, switches, table surface, mobile etc. for which you can use diluted bleach or alcohol.
Does exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees prevent the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease?
There is/was a buzz going viral on social medias that exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees prevent you from the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
As per World Health Organization (WHO), exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees does not prevent you from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease. Whether it is sunny or hot weather or not, COVID-19 can infect you as there are lots of instances that countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19.
Can Coronavirus (COVID-19) be prevented with hot water bath?
There are so many posts shared in social media that hot water bath can prevent Coronavirus disease and and making people confused. We would like to request you not to go for any rumors instead look for a reality and act cautiously to protect yourself and your family as well as friends.
Now regarding the above matter, WHO has mentioned that the hot water bath cannot prevent you from the COVID-19 virus. Actually taking bath with extreme hot water can be more harmful to your body as it may also burn you. With whatever bath we take, hot or cold, our normal body temperature remains at around 36.5 degree to 37 degree Celsius.
Can COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus) be transmitted in hot and humid climates areas or not?
WHO has mentioned that from the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in all areas and climates, including areas with hot and humid weather.
So regardless of any area with any climate, people shall adopt precautionary and protective measures in their daily lifestyle wherever they are.
Trump Idea Injecting Disinfectant - Real or Fake?
This is the concern that if injecting disinfectant in the body can kill Coronvirus or not.
This confusion is created among the people due to the comments made by the president of the United States at a government briefing. There he suggested we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light; or we brought the light inside of the body either through the skin or in some other way; or by injecting disinfectant or something like that which knocks out the virus in a minute.
But when he suggested injecting the disinfectant, that went out with a wrong message. The exact word that he said about disinfectant is: "And then I see the disinfectant. It knocks it out in a minute. One minute. Something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning." Check the video below for the details:-
Well, Donald Trump was here not saying people should try it. He was only suggesting the idea to medical experts. But, people start to share his idea about injecting disinfectant and that take social media by storm. So, we are worried that some people may actually believe it and try it.
We like to warn people not to inject themselves with disinfectant since it can harm your body very badly.
Reckitt Benckiser, which owns brands including Lysol, Dettol, Vanish and Cillit Bang, said its products should not be administered through injection, ingestion or any other route. For more details, please follow this link:-
Can COVID-19 virus be transmitted through mosquito bites?
WHO has mentioned that from the evidence as well as information so far till the date, the COVID-19 virus cannot be transmitted through mosquito bites since it is a respiratory virus which spreads through the droplets of the infected person’s cough, sneeze, discharge from the nose or droplets of saliva.
Can spraying and introducing bleach or another disinfectant into your body protect you against Coronavirus COVID-19 and can it be dangerous?
As per World Health Organization (WHO), spraying and introducing bleach or another disinfectant into your body will not protect you against COVID-19. Instead, it can be very dangerous to your body and health.
WHO also warned people not to spray or introduce bleach or any other disinfectant into your body in any circumstances. Since, using bleach and disinfectants should be approached with caution since these substances can be poisonous if ingested, causing irritation and damage to your skin and eyes. It is essential to use them carefully to disinfect surfaces only, not the human body.
Do 5G mobile networks spread Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
This 5G mobile network confusion is created among the peple due to the lots of scams and fake posts available in the internet portals and social medias. Many scammers are spreading fake news about this issues and making people believe on that providing fake instances.
As per World Health Organization, Viruses cannot travel on mobile networks or radio waves and so does COVID-19. The instances is that Coronavirus is spreading in such countries as well where there is no 5G mobile networks.
COVID-19 spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, speaks or exhals. People can also be infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose.
Will drinking water keep you safe from Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
There is a buzz on social medias that our mouths and throats shall always be moist. So, we shall drink water every 15 minutes and that will help to wash the virus down and killed by our stomach gastric acid which contains pH of between one and three.
However, there is no evidence so far that drinking water is helpful in killing or preventing the infection from COVID-19.
But what we observe so far from the several sources that mouth is not only the way of transmission of the virus. Contaminated fingers can infect some people by touching their mouth, while others can contract the virus by touching the nose or eyes.
Please note that the Coronavirus is transmitted through enhaling the tiny droplets that comes out while a infected person sneezes, coughs or exhales. So "drinking water can prevent infection with Covid-19" is yet another theory based rumor people are spreading around.
As per, Kalpana Sabapathy, a clinical epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine explains that the illness due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection cannot be prevented by drinking water. She said that the infections often begin after we’ve been exposed to thousands or millions of viral particles. So, sweeping a few down the oesophagus is unlikely to have much of an impact.
She further added "One gaping hole in it is the likelihood that you managed to flush all of them down into your stomach. You would probably have already got them in your nostrils by then, for example – it’s not fool proof”.
Additional Info related to drinking water:
However, there is evidence that some patients have been reporting symptoms such as nausea and diarrhoea. The experts from China are warning that there are signs it can infect the digestive tract. One report indicates that the virus persists in the feces of more than 50% of people with Covid-19, lingering long after it has been cleared from the lungs.
Though drinking plenty of water is always good for our health.
Can human be infected with Coronavirus (CoVID-19) through animal source?
As per World Health Organization, Coronavirus is common in animals as Coronavirus are a large family of viruses. As per researches so far, the possible animal sources of COVID-19 have not yet been confirmed. Having said that, people may get infected by animal sources which may spread in other people. For example, SARS-CoV was associated with civet cats and MERS-CoV is transmitted by dromedary camels.
Is Coronavirus (CoVID-19) same as SARS?
As per World Health Organization, COVID-19 and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) are not the same diseases.
The virus that causes these both diseases are related to each other genetically. But the diseases they cause, both COVID-19 and SARS are different as COVID-19 is more infectious than SARS though SARS was more deadly.
SARS was outbroke in 2003 and then there is no evidence of its outbroke until now but COVID-19 was outbroke in 2019 and still countinuing to spread globally.
Can regularly rinsing your nose with saline help to prevent Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection?
Many scammers are spreading fake news that regularly rinsing your nose with saline can help you to prevent the infection with Coronavirus.
However, as per WHO, there is no evidence that regularly rinsing the nose with saline prevent from the coronavirus or respiratory infections. But, there is some limited evidence that regularly rinsing nose with saline can help to recover more quickly from the common cold.
Can Coronavirus (CoVID-19) be caught from a person who has no symptoms?
As per World Health Organization, COVID-19 spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets produced while coughing by a infected person. But there is very low risk that a person catch Coronavirus from a person who has no symptons.
We shall always keep in mind that many people with COVID-19 disease infection experience only a mild symptons at their early stages.
So, it is important that a person shall stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick. But sometimes, we can't identify infected person. So, you should follow the rule of maintaing the said distance in pandemic period with everyone you communicate with.
Can any pet transmit Coronavirus?
Until today, there is not any evidence that pets i.e. dogs, cats or any other pets can transmit Coronavirus to human.
Can Coronavirus be transmitted through the air?
According to WHO, studies thus far indicate that the virus responsible for Coronavirus (COVID-19) primarily spreads through contact with respiratory droplets rather than through the air.
How effective the thermal scanner is to detect the Coronavirus infection?
WHO has mentioned that the thermal scanner is effective in detecting a person having a fever (who have higher than normal body temperature) because of Coronavirus infection. But the device cannot detect a person infected with Coronavirus but not yet have fever. Be aware that the incubation period, ranging from 2 to 10 days with a median of 5 to 6 days, is the time between exposure and the onset of illness.
Can Coronavirus (COVID-19) be prevented with vaccines against pneumonia?
WHO has mentioned that the vaccines against pneumonia do not protect you from the COVID-19 virus. Further the vaccines like Heamophilus Influenza type B (Hib) do not help to prevent Coronavirus disease. WHO strongly recommends vaccination against Coronavirus using the recommended vaccines.
Can spraying chlorine or alcohol all over the body effective in killing Coronavirus?
Now regarding the above matter, WHO has clearly mentioned that spraying chlorine or alcohol all over the body cannot kill the Coronavirus that have entered in your body. But they are helpful in disinfecting surfaces from viruses upon use under appropriate recommendation.
Alcohol or chlorine can be harmful to spray in your body because it may damage your clothes or mucous membranes i.e. eyes, mouth.
Can an ultraviolet disinfection lamp be effective in killing Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
WHO has clearly mentioned that ultraviolet disinfection lamps are not at all effective for killing the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our body. To use UVC light safely, you need specialist equipment and training. So, you should be extra careful while disinfecting the objects with UV light and should not use it to sterilize your hands or any part of your body or your pets.
We also want you to read the article released by BBC by clicking >HERE< to find out how much it is dangerous to use UV technology. So, UV light shall not be used to sterilize hands or any other parts of the body as it can cause skin irritation due to its UV radiations.
Can Hand Dryers be effective in killing Coronavirus?
As per WHO, the hand dryers are not at all effective for killing the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
More FAQs related to Coronavirus
How long Coronavirus (CoVID-19) stays in surfaces?
As per National Institutes of Health, the new studies so far suggest that the virus that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is stable for several hours to days on surfaces as:
- Aerosols: 3 hours
- Plastic: 2-3 days
- Stainless Steel: 2-3 days
- Copper: 4 hours
- Cardboard: 24 hours
The results provide key information about the stability of SARS-CoV-2, which causes Coronavirus disease, and suggests that people may acquire the virus through the air and after touching contaminated objects.
Is there anything I should not do to prevent Coronavirus (CoVID-19)?
As per World Health Organization, the following measures should not be adopted by a person to prevent Coronavirus as they are not effective against COVID-19 and can be more harmful and dangerous for your health:
i. Smoking
ii. Drinking alcohol or alcohol based drinks (instead, use alcohol based sanitizer to clean hands)
iii. Wearing multiple masks
iv. Taking any kind of antibiotics without your doctor's prescription
Besides, a person shall immediately look for a medical care if they have a Coronavirus symptons i.e fever, cough and difficulty breathing to reduce the risk of developing a more severe infection and be sure to share your recent travel history with your health care provider.
How to put on, use, take off and dispose the mask correctly to prevent from Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
There is high risk of getting infection from inproper way of using the mask. However, health workers, caregivers, and individuals with respiratory symptoms like fever and cough must use the mask.
As recommended by WHO, a person using mask must follow the following process before and after using the mask:
- Before touching the mask, clean hands with liquid hand wash or soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand rub/sanitizer.
- Check the mask for tears or holes, as such a mask must not be used.
- Put the metal strip side on top side i.e. in your upper nose.
- Ensure the proper side i.e. coloured side of the mask faces outwards.
- Place the mask to your face and pinch the metal strip or stiff edge of the mask as it moulds to the shape of your nose.
- Pull down the mask’s bottom so as to cover your mouth and your chin.
- After use, take off the mask; remove the elastic loops from behind the ears while keeping the mask away from your face and clothes so as to avoid touching potentially contaminated surfaces of the mask.
- Discard the mask in a closed or covered dustbin immediately after use.
- Perform hand hygiene after touching or discarding the mask – clean hands with liquid hand wash or soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand rub/sanitizer.
Above are the safety majors one must follow too properly use and discard a mask to prevent Coronavirus infection at possible extent.
What shall a pregnent woman do to prevent Coronavirus (CoVID-19)?
There are no specific and separate safety measures preferred for the pregnant women yet. Hence, they shall also do the same things as the other people shall do to prevent the Coronavirus infection.
What is the source of Coronavirus causing COVID-19?
As per World Health Organization, all the evidences so far show that SARS-CoV-2 has a natural animal origin and is not a constructed virus and most probably has its ecological reservoir in bats.
Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2, belongs to a group of genetically related viruses, which also include SARS-CoV and a number of other CoVs isolated from bats populations. MERS-CoV also belongs to this group, but is less closely related.
Should I be worried about Coronavirus (CoVID-19)?
As per World Health Organization, the illness due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection depends on the age factor as well as the physical and mental condition of a person. If a person is a child or an adult, the illness is generally mild, however it can cause serious illness about 1 in every 5 person who need hospital care.
Furthermore, Coronavirus is spreading globally and virus keep on mutating. So, it's obvious that a person worry about how the COVID-19 outbreak will affect them and their family or a community they live in.
Final Note on Coronavirus Scams (COVID-19 Scams):
We strongly recommend you look for a reliable source for Coronavirus related info before believing in any kind of buzz.
COVID-19 spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, speaks or exhales. Touching a contaminated surface and then touching one's eyes, mouth, or nose can also result in infection.
Besides, a person shall immediately look for a medical care if they have a Coronavirus symptoms i.e fever, cough and difficulty breathing to reduce the risk of developing a more severe infection and be sure to share your recent travel history with your health care provider.
Regardless of believing in any rumors and buzzes spread over the internet platforms, people shall adopt precautionary and safety measures in their daily lifestyle to save themselves, their family as well as their community as a whole.
Be Aware of Coronavirus scams (COVID-19 scams) that are spreading wrong info:
There are many posts with fake info circulating around social media sites about COVID-19. People shall always follow genuine websites like WHO ( to find authentic details.
Believing the wrong info may turn into blunder in your life. And sharing such wrong post is even worse than anything else could ever be because it could mislead your near and dear ones and society as a whole.
So before sharing any post, ensure that you obtain them from authentic sources and ignore unnecessary articles and posts published or posted just to create a myth.
We request you to spread awareness about the scam and suspicious online websites/activities by sharing the info provided on our website [] through your social media accounts which can help your families and friends to be safe from scams.
The numbers of online scams are massively increasing each day with ever new tricks and strategies, so it has become very crucial to aware the society about those scammers so that it will make scammer difficult to scam people. So, please let your friends and families know that they can rely on our website [] to check the legitimacy of any online websites.
You can find various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.
You can find various kinds of Coronavirus scams (COVID-19 scams) by clicking >HERE<
Remember that: Protecting yourself from COVID-19 is protecting the community as a whole.
- Wikipedia -
- Wikipedia -
- CDC - complications.html
- Worldometers -
- WHO -
- WHO -
- BBC -
Good Luck!
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