Review: Legit? ThornBookShop Scam
Thorn Book Shop, which is selling products like "Unicorn Smart Interactive Ride-On Toy"; "The World’s Most Advanced Smart Doorbell"; "Smart Watch with GPS+Glonass" and so on, is not a genuine online store. Well, let’s find out why is a scam but not trustworthy and what is in real through our ThornBookShop review here. So, let’s begin with our Thorn Book Shop review.
ThornBookShop is a fraudulent online store due to the following reasons:-
# You can find lots of scam sites that look very much similar to ThornBookShop such as Focuslia, Circleko, ListFleet, Cleanattire, Cbjhvew.MyShopify, Woievnjskdnh.MyShopify, Ckocko.MyShopify, Aesww.MyShopify, Caicaio.MyShopify, Vbeiurn.MyShopify, TopStudio, Rosesimin, Arvinning, Jscru, Ecudamit, Citware, Aoeigng.MyShopify, Noonoon.MyShopify, Salesells.MyShopify, Cbwiues.MyShopify, Thomaskhu.MyShopify, Haapske.MyShopify, Delispacefine.MyShopify, Mountp.MyShopify, Kodfing.MyShopify, Happyllb.MyShopify, Gdfzxv.MyShopify, Alohahe.MyShopify, Oplkfsd.MyShopify, Mvisjfjdvd.MyShopify, Rryfghk.MyShopify, Ftbvx.MyShopify, Mnhgf.MyShopify, Etgrefds.MyShopify, Nwyegy.MyShopify, Winteyroh, Phoebeharoldslodc.MyShopify, Nwcsau.MyShopify, Geigbqwe.MyShopify, Fvcvxc.MyShopify, Some.DrizzleBest, Dertyuih.MyShopify, Dorothyksgcampbell.Myshopify, Ythdgfv.MyShopify, Dimonra.MyShopify, Romakas.MyShopify, Camelotm.MyShopify, Ulyessdelondayb.MyShopify, Bfbrtwfcewef.MyShopify, Grtcf.MyShopify, Veronicatneme.MyShopify, WinterOnawardStore, Redwb.MyShopify, Agaeqqtq.MyShopify, Quronmarvinsgc.MyShopify, Scarfire.MyShopify, Fvzczd.MyShopify, Janailwlon.MyShopify, WARM HOME, Dm-Vdsbjnvwjkv.MyShopify, TtpOnawardStore, Dertyuih, Jiesw.MyShopify, R4iva5rd.MyShopify, Uuhdhs.MyShopify, Hahoood.MyShopify, Savjh.MyShopify, OnawardStore, Pretty, Handsrudgleyij.MyShopify, Njnvrjkebejw.MyShopify, ThinkYouThink.MyShopify, OnObservtoryOnline, Oievsx.MyShopify, Myrtlecatwarren.MyShopify, Qjzm.MyShopify, Ellencajwest.MyShopify, Sdfsdtwetw.MyShopify, Bestrocy, PandaOnawardStore, TigerOnawardStore, Asdsaadas.MyShopify, Livable Home, Skblack.MyShopify, Jhgfdd.MyShopify, Nvxsgsfs.MyShopify, Yiah.MyShopify, Hjkshakespear.MyShopify, Wertyuiopq.MyShopify, Emildfkjg1.MyShopify, Kdetsangeb.MyShopify, Fdsgraeg.MyShopify, MabeldublinLife, Apmz.MyShopify, GndjndsdbBest, SimpleathyLife, Bestkith, LivableHome, FadjabsbWorks, Adfadva.MyShopify, Jrbisrdfk.MyShopify, H-Cantaloupe, Gdnbsv.MyShopify, Hot.Pleaserthis, FnbvguweoClub, IuefhfbweiClub, Uc.Frtyusgf, Ol.Frtyusgf, AfbbwiwRocks, BbnsfioefRocks, XX.Chievoe, Weopriuffi, FvnavlaweiLife, Jsioefhuf, Oeruhfe, KiwonLife, FjefunwfRocks, Us.Frtyusgf, WeoiarqoeRocks, WeifnverwLife, Best.Frtyusgf, SS.Chievoe, Sun.Chievoe, AA.Chievoe(Woefiweo), Hot.Propoina, CC.Propoina, GG.Propoina, WeofhunowRocks, Sun.Chievoe and so on. Most of these scam sites have been already closed by scamming lots of people. Since ThornBookShop has lots of similarities with these scam sites, so it is clear that ThornBookShop has been operating by the same cybercriminal who has multiple other similar kinds of scam sites. Even the domains of big scam sites known as Cleanattire and Circleko are now redirecting towards ThornBookShop which makes more clear that ThornBookShop is a new site from the serial scammer.
# Like lots of scam sites, the website ThornBookShop has also poorly designed which looks similar to lots of scam sites. For example; its website theme is very untidy; it hasn't provided it company's address or contact phone number; it has copy-pasted lots of details from other scam websites; it is selling similar products with similar details that other scam sites are selling; it is offering a heavy discount on the price of listed products on its website; it hasn’t secured its website properly.
# Since ThornBookShop website is not secured properly, so if you shop at this site, your personal and financial information, such as your credit card information might be stolen.
# These days multiple new online stores are claiming to sell various items on huge discount, but most of them are scams. So, it’s better to stay away from the new online stores or at least do some research before you purchase something from the new online stores because most of these new online stores don’t deliver the purchased items to their clients or, deliver completely different or very low-quality items. Some of these kinds of online stores even have charged the credit card of clients randomly without their consent. So, if you have ever purchased mistakenly from scam sites, we suggest you immediately contact your bank or credit card company to secure your credit card information.
Now you must be clear why is a ThornBookShop scam through our ThornBookShop review as above. However, if you still want to add your own reviews or want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below. You can also comment below to report about similar kinds of scams or even to report about any kinds of scams. After all, we are here to spread awareness about the scams. So, let’s do it together. Let’s save innocent people from scams.
If you want to share this Thorn Book Shop review with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of this Thorn Book Shop scam, then please feel free to do so.
Actually, we recommend you to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts because it will help to spread the awareness about this scam and other similar kinds of scams. More we share about scams with our friends and families, more they will be aware of these kinds of scams which will ultimately make difficult for a scammer to scam innocent people. So, it’s better you share this post with your friends and families if you want to fight back with the scammer.
You can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE< or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.
Actually, these days there are lots of similar kinds of scam online stores claiming to sell various branded and non-branded products. So, it’s better you shop only from renowned online stores like Amazon and so on to save yourself from these kinds of scams. Or, at least do some research before you purchase anything from unknown online stores.
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