Scam Messages

Is it Scam or Legit Message? I'm a licensed, qualified, professional or experienced photographer or illustrator. I found, recognised, came across my images at your website. If you use a copyrighted image, you could be sued by the creator or owner

Beware of phishing messages and comments on website claiming you have used the copyright images of licensed photographer, qualified illustrator, professional illustrator, qualified photographer, experienced photographer, certified photographer, or professional photographer, and so on named Melane, Melaenis, Mellie, Melanka, Meleane, Melibella, Melina, Melynda, Melaida, Meleena, Melinda, Melanie, Mel, Melisha, Melnikon, Melissa, Melitta, Melcia, Meladia, Melecia,[…]

Is it a Scam or Legit Message - Amazon: Congratulations Name, you came 3rd in today's Amazon Garmin Watch Raffle, Amazon Pods Raffle, Amazon AirPods Raffle, Amazon EarPods Raffle, or Amazon SmartWatch Raffle

Beware of phishing text messages coming in the name of Amazon claiming you came 1st or 2nd or 3rd in the Amazon Pods Raffle, Amazon AirPods Raffle, Amazon Garmin Watch Raffle, Amazon Apple Watch Raffle, Amazon EarPods raffle, Amazon Fitness Watch Raffle, or Amazon Smart Watch Raffle. They may also change their message saying you[…]

Scam on Facebook in the Name of Robbie Williams Live Stream -Congratulations, you have been selected as the winner of the $5,000 prize today

Beware of phishing Facebook posts or messages which look like from Robbie Williams such as: "Congratulations, you have been selected as the winner of the $5,000 prize today. Register immediately now (fill in your personal information). Send proof if you have registered. I will send a gift if you have already registered. This opportunity is[…]

Beware of Scam Messages Claming Your PhoneNumber Won $3,000,000.00 USD In The Commonwealth Donation

Beware of phishing text messages claiming your phone number won $3,000,000.00 USD in the Commonwealth Donation and ask you to reply to the email address You can find one example of such messages below. "Your PhoneNumber won $3,000,000.00 USD in the Commonwealth Donation. For claim, Reply to-, Claim code: CW077291001." You may get similar[…]

Beware of Scam Text Messages with Eyeverify, EireVerify, or Eire Verify caller ID display names claiming your parcel has been held at shipping center

Beware of phishing SMS text messages coming from various numbers like 0868145058, etc. with caller ID display names as EireVerify, Eyeverify, or Eire Verify. These kinds of scam text messages claim your parcel has been held at a shipping centre and ask you to click the link. You should not click that link since that[…]