What is PatMoney.club? Is PatMoney Scam or Legit?

If you are looking for PatMoney reviews to find out either is PatMoney.club a scam or a legit company, then be sure that this is absolutely a scam company operated by the same group of scammers who are running other similar kind of scamming sites which we will talk about later. Ok, let’s dig into the detail about this company through our PatMoney.club review as below.

PatMoney.club reviews, PatMoney complaints, Pat Money scam.

What is Pat Money? Why is Pat Money a scam site? Pat Money review.

This company was registered hiding the details of their owner or operator and the website address. If you check their website as well as WHOIS details, you will not get any exact information about them. So when a company hides their details, we cannot trust such company because either their intention is to scam people or they are related with some scamming in the past.

Besides, all the payment proofs they have provided are just deceptive. They cannot provide any proofs of their payment to their affiliates. They do not pay the affiliates even when they reach the cash-out limit. When the affiliates request for the payment after doing what they are asked for, this company, instead of paying them makes unnecessary excuses and add up new rules to escape from the payment. And you can also find lots of complaints about this company in the forums and comment sections.

There are many such companies like PatMoney.club which are run by same scammer group i.e. Nuwdengi.site, Surdengi.site, Bacdengi.site, Vesdengi.site, LcMoney.club, Faxdengi.club, Romdengi.club, Fendengi.club, Zendengi.club, Jamdengi.club, Kavdengi.club, Sabdengi.site, Nuwdengi.site, Surdengi.site, Bacdengi.site, Vesdengi.site DmMoney.club, AdvMoney.tech, CuMoney.club, HurMoney.club, LiveMoney.host, FepMoney.club, MesMoney.club, Ahadengi.club, Petdengi.club, Docdengi.top, Safdengi.site, Wuxdengi.top, Voddengi.club, Razdengi.club, Razdengi.site, Zewdengi.site, Vacdengi.site, Vawdengi.site, Sabdengi.site, Nuwdengi.site, Surdengi.site, Bacdengi.site, Vesdengi.site and many others about more than 1,000 sites.

If you look into all the above mentioned sites’ details, you will find all of them have exactly same website business model, website theme, pattern of scamming people, WHOIS details, website hosting, website script, website address etc. Only their domain name is different due to which people cannot figure out their reality unless they get scammed. And some of these sites were even already closed after scamming their affiliate marketers and run away or due to some legal issues the websites need to be closed. But remember that these scammers are not satisfied here. They time and again come up with exactly same websites just keeping the different names so that they can mislead the people and when collect the huge amount from them they will run away with the money.

Our Recommendation:

Aforementioned facts are enough to prove that this company is nothing than just a scam one. The most important thing is that this site has never paid to any of their affiliates. So, why shall anyone work on such site which does not pay anything to anyone at any point of time? Their intention is just to cheat people. Therefore, we have listed this company under our “Scams” category and do not recommend you to work in it.

So, now you are clear about what is PatMoney through our PatMoney review as above. However, if you still want to add or report something about PatMoney.club, then please feel free to use our comment section as below.

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of De-Reviews.com. I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed De-Reviews.com as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.


2 responses to “What is PatMoney.club? Is PatMoney Scam or Legit?”

  1. Claude Niyomutabazi Avatar
    Claude Niyomutabazi

    I would like to know if is nalmoney.online scam too?

    Thank you very much!

    1. Yes, NalMoney Online is definitely a scam, no doubt about that.

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