What is Monaki.co? Scam or Legit? Monaki Review

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Beware of Monaki.co online store, it doesn’t seem good.

We find Monaki online store very suspicious. Now you maybe want to know why we think Monaki.co might be a scam, what is Monaki in real, right? Well, we are definitely going to explain you here within our Monaki.co review. So your search for Monaki reviews to find out its reality ends here. OK, let’s begin with our Monaki.co review.

Monaki complaints Monaki fake or real Monaki legit or fraud | De Reviews
Above screenshot is taken from Monakico website and has been modified

Monaki.co doesn’t seem good due to the following reasons:-

# Monaki has provided its address as "Amsteldijk 216, 1079LK in Amsterdam" on its "About Us" page. However, on WHOIS details, we can find out the owner's country is Panama and website location is Canada. So, this miss match contact information proves Monaki is not providing the real address. However, every legit online store will provide the real address including the phone number, only scam online store doesn’t care to provide the real address as well as detailed contact information such as phone number, owner's name and so on.

# Monaki also has concealed the owner’s name within WHOIS which proves the owner of Monaki.co doesn’t want to reveal his/her identity which is obviously not a good sign.

# When we click the trust seal logo of Norton that Monaki.co has provided on its checkout page, that doesn’t send us to the official website of Norton to verify that trust seal, instead send us to the homepage of Monaki. However, when we click on the real trust seal logo of Norton, that should send us to the official website of Norton to verify that trust seal. So, it is clear that Monaki is providing the fake trust seal logo, not the real one. This is a big warning bell as none of the legit sites will try to trick people by showing them fake trust seal logos.

# Although Monaki.co provides the option to purchase the items using the credit card, it hasn’t provided the required security measures to secure the credit card information and has tried to trick people by showing the fake trust seal logo. So if you shop at this site, your credit card information can be stolen.

# These days multiple new online stores are claiming to sell various items on huge discount, but most of them are scams. So, it’s better to stay away from the new online stores or at least do some research before you purchase something from the new online stores because most of these new online stores don’t deliver the purchased items to their clients or, deliver completely different or very low-quality items. Some of these kinds of online stores even have charged the credit card of clients randomly without their consent. So, if you have ever purchased mistakenly from scam sites, we suggest you immediately contact your bank or credit card company to secure your credit card information.

Now you must be clear why we think Monaki might be a scam. So, in this situation, we don’t recommend you to purchase anything from “Monaki”.

It is clear that Monaki.co is a suspicious website through our Monaki review as above. However, if you still want to add your own Monaki.co reviews or want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below.

If you want to share this Monaki.co review with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of this company, then please feel free to do so.

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of De-Reviews.com. I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed De-Reviews.com as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.

6 thoughts on “What is Monaki.co? Scam or Legit? Monaki Review

  1. Let's be clear here. Yes, Monaki looks pretty shady, but the information you provided in this first point doesn't back anything up.
    They say their address is in Amsterdam. It very well might be. Their WHOIS information is being protected by a protection organization like WHOISGuard--these addresses are almost always based in Panama. Look up almost any small business. A majority of them use WHOISGuard and show an address in Panama.
    Their IP address traces to Canada. So what? You might notice that the IP address is on a Shopify server. So they're using Shopify for their web platform and Shopify is based in Canada. Big deal. I personally run several websites that are based on servers in Chicago. That doesn't mean anything. I don't live near Chicago. I could have chosen a server in London for all I wanted.
    I appreciated your cautious review, but please learn how this stuff works before you use it against someone.

    "# Monaki has provided its address as “Amsteldijk 216, 1079LK in Amsterdam” on its “About Us” page. However, on WHOIS details, we can find out the owner’s country is Panama and website location is Canada. So, this miss match contact information proves Monaki is not providing the real address. However, every legit online store will provide the real address including the phone number, only scam online store doesn’t care to provide the real address as well as detailed contact information such as phone number, owner’s name and so on."

    1. Yes, but you didn't get our point. What we are saying is Monaki hasn't provided its real address which doesn't happen with legit online stores. You can check all legit online stores, they provide detailed company's address, warehouse addresses, contact phone number, return-shipping address and so on which you can't find with Monaki. And what about fake trust seals? Have you ever find out any legit websites with fake trust seals?

    1. If you purchased something mistakenly from scam sites using your credit card, then we suggest you immediately contact your bank or credit card company and ask them to help you to cancel your credit card and get the new one because cybercriminals can charge your credit card randomly anytime without your consent in the future as well. In some cases, the bank or credit card company also can help you to get a refund.

      If you have purchased using payment processors such as PayPal, then we suggest you open a dispute through your PayPal account and also change your PayPal account’s password.

  2. They have fake reviews. The website was only registered on Dec 13 2018 yet has "reviews" from July which is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

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