I love you 3000 Meaning: What is "I love you 3000"?

If you are looking for what does "I love you 3000" mean, the meaning of "I love you 3000", the definition of "I love you 3000", then you are in the right place because here we are going to provide you the "I love you 3000" slang meaning, the "I love you 3000" definition, overall what "I love you 3000" means.

So, then what "I love you 3000" means? For what does "I love you 3000" stand?

Define I love you 3000 Meaning I love you 3000 Definition I love you 3000

Spoiler Alert! The meaning of I love you 3000 contains AVENGERS: ENDGAME spoilers. So, if you haven't watched Avengers: Endgame movie yet, then we suggest you watch Avengers: Endgame to find out the meaning of "I love you 3000" by yourself since that will be more enjoyable. Anyway, let's find out the definition of "I love you 3000" below.

The phrase "I love you 3000" becomes popular due to the movie Avengers: Endgame released in April 2019. During one scene in the movie, you can find out Tony Stark (Iron Man) puts his daughter Morgan to bed and says "I love you tons", then she replies "I love you 3000". So, this is how "I love you 3000" phrase is born.

But, why it becomes so popular? Why fans of Avengers movie find "I love 3000" very much touchy that they start to make lots of meme on it? Well, let's find out why "I love you 3000" becomes a popular meme.

Warning! More movie spoiler ahead.

In Avengers Infinity War, you would find out Avengers are at a loss and now in Avengers Endgame, you will find out remaining Avengers are preparing for the battle against the evil. On the other hand, you will find out Tony Stark (Iron Man) settles into a family life with Pepper and they have a daughter named Morgan. During one scene, you will find out Tony Stark puts his daughter to bed and says "I love you tons" and then his daughter replies "I love you 3000". Although it is a very short scene, it is very sweet and adorable and become heart touchy due to what happens later in the movie.

Later in the movie, you will find out Tony sacrifices himself to kill Thanos (the main villain in Avengers series) and save the universe. After Tony's funeral, you will find out Pepper plays a video message which Tony has filmed to be played in case of his death. In that video, Tony turns to Morgan and says "I love you 3000". That brings tears in the eyes of Morgan. It is a very sad and heart touching scene in the movie. So, fans of Avengers start to follow "I love you 3000" phrase either as a meme to refer Avengers: Endgame or to express their love towards a movie or also to express their love towards someone they truly love.

The phrase "I love you 3000" become so popular that people have started to use it to express their love to something or someone which they truly love. So, if someone tells you "I love you 3000", then you must know he/she wants to express his/her deep love towards you. It is also like saying I love you infinity. So, "I love you 3000" definitely doesn't mean "I love you 3000 times", instead it means "I love you all" or "I love you to the moon and back" or "I love you infinity".

Well, now you know the meaning of I love you 3000 from the above definition, so if you want to say something about it or if you know the additional meanings of I love you 3000 or want to elaborate the meaning of the I love you 3000 phrase, then please feel free to leave your comment below.

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