Erfdr Scam Or Genuine? Review

Looking to verify whether is an Erfdr .com legitimate website or a scam and if it’s safe to trust? You’ve landed in the right place. Let’s closely scrutinize this site and establish its authenticity through Erfdr review as below. This site is selling multiple products such as Refrigerator 208RG Glass Door, Children's bumper car, Electric 4 Wheeler For Kids ASTM F963 Certified, Electric Recliner Boat, Children's skateboard stroller 6-in-1 is suitable for babies and children aged 3 months to 12 years old .One car for 6, baby stroller--toddler resistance car--safeguard baby car--competitive car--sliding car--scooter, Smart 2in1 Go-Kart, etc.,

Safety Index

Safety Index for 5/100 (SCAM)

Website Highlights

  • Domain name:
  • Website name: Outdoor Product
  • Email: gpatienter.inl@outlook .com
  • Product Categories Available On Its Website: Hot product ,Garden Chair, Swing Chair, Adult Toys, Outdoor Equipment ,Children's products, Electric Car

Either is a Erfdr scam or genuine online business?

Erfdr is classified as a fraudulent online store based on the following reasons:

  • Its website name "Outdoor Product" is different than domain name "Erfdr". You should know that legit online stores mostly keep their website name same as their domain name, while scam ones don't.
  • Its contact phone number and address are not available on its "Contact Us", "About Us" and "Home" pages, or at the bottom of its website at the time of this review.
  • This website has listed numerous products on sale at unrealistically cheap prices, which is suspicious since multiple scam sites are found to be offering such cheap prices.
  • Its website design and content match with multiple scam sites.
  • Lots of complaints can be found against similar kinds of sites.
  • Social media icon is not available on its website.

Final Verdict

After a comprehensive analysis of the provided information, it is evident that Erfdr is classified as a fraudulent website, and it is highly recommended not to trust it.

Also, feel free to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of this website.

NOTE: These kinds of sites are found to be changing their website name as well as whole content of their website from time to time. So, the above review is based on the details provided on its website on aforementioned date. If you find any other details than what we have provided on this review later, then that means this online store has changed its details. However, that still makes it a suspicious site.

Good Luck!

0/5 (0 Reviews)
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De Roka Author
I am De Roka, also known as Suman Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. Since 2014, I've been researching scams to protect people from falling for them. I've saved many folks from scams by exposing their true nature before they can trick anyone. Until now, we have saved 20M+ people from 40K+ scams. If you want to learn more about me and my team, you can visit our About Us page. You can find more about me on my Facebook profile as well.

One thought on “Erfdr Scam Or Genuine? Review

  1. Well I'm screwed they scammed me yeah I thought I'd checked around good enough guess not yeah there should be a way that Facebook could keep them off marketplace because you know this is where I searched this up at is a Facebook and it's same Facebook knows it's fraudulent

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