Category: Meanings of Words and Slangs
What is REDNECK? What does REDNECK Mean?
Are you looking for the meaning of REDNECK, the definition of REDNECK, what REDNECK means? Then, your search ends here because here our purpose is to provide you the REDNECK meaning, the REDNECK definition and how this REDNECK slang word is used in the conversations both in written and verbal forms. Can you figure out the…
What is TCB? TCB Meaning. What does TCB Mean?
If you are looking for what TCB means, the meaning of TCB, the acronym of TCB, the abbreviation of TCB, the definition of TCB, then your search ends here because here we are going to provide you the TCB slang meaning, the TCB definition, the TCB acronym, the TCB abbreviation as well as how this word is used in the…
What is ITT? ITT meaning. What ITT means?
Do you want to find out what does ITT mean, the meaning of ITT, the definition of ITT, the acronym of ITT, the abbreviation of ITT? OK, then you are in the right place because here we are going to provide you the ITT slang meaning, the ITT definition, the ITT acronym, the ITT abbreviation and how…
What is LYL? LYL meaning. What does LYL mean?
Are you searching for the meaning of LYL or what LYL means? Then you are in the right place because here in this page we are going to provide you the LYL meaning, the LYL definition, the LYL acronym, the LYL abbreviation and how this slang word LYL is used in the communication. Can you guess the…
What is FB? FB Meaning. What does FB mean?
Most of us know that FB means Facebook but there are still other meanings of FB about which we are going to explain in this post. So, if you are looking for what FB means, the meaning of FB, the definition of FB, the acronym of FB, the abbreviation of FB, then your search ends…
What Does A3 Mean? For What Does A3 Stand?
Here we are going to tell you about what A3 means, the meaning of A3, the definition of A3, the acronym of A3, the abbreviation of A3 from which you will get to know the A3 meaning, the A3 definition, the A3 acronym, the A3 abbreviation and how this slang word A3 is used in text…
What is MFW? MFW meaning. What does MFW mean?
Here we are going to tell you about the definition, acronym, abbreviation of MFW from which you will get to know the MFW slang meaning and how this slang word MFW is used in the conversations. So, then what is MFW? It stands for the short form of “My Face When” and it also has…
What is IDKWTD? IDKWTD Meaning. What IDKWTD Means?
Here we are going to tell you about the definition, acronym, abbreviation of IDKWTD from which you will get to know the IDKWTD slang meaning and how this abbreviation IDKWTD is used in text messages, social media postings, emails and so on. Can you guess the meaning of it from the picture below? Well, let’s…
What Is LYKE? LYKE Meaning. What LYKE Means?
If you are looking for the definition, acronym, abbreviation of LYKE, then you are in the right place because here we are going to provide you the LYKE slang meaning as well as how this acronym is used over the internet conversations. So, then what is LYKE? It stands for “Like” which is used in…