Category: Meanings of Words and Slangs
What is CREY? Meaning of CREY. What does CREY mean?
If you are looking for what CREY means, then you have come to the right place. Here, we are going to provide you the real definition of CREY so that you can find out CREY stands for what, the CREY meaning and the CREY definition. Can you make any guesses from the picture below? We…
What is YW? What does YW Mean? YW Text Meaning
YW is the short form used by people while texting their friends which means “You're Welcome”. So, YW means “You are Welcome". Now you know the meaning of YW. But may be you are thinking why people need to text YW instead of “You're welcome”. Actually, it is not for the need. It is just…
What is SLT? What SLT means?
If you are looking to find out what does SLT mean exactly, then you have landed in the right place. Here, we are going to provide you the real definition of SLT so that you can find out SLT stands for what, the SLT meaning, the SLT definition. Commonly SLT stands for "Salut, Hello". Many…
What is YASS? YASS meaning. What does YASS mean?
If you are looking for what YASS means, a meaning of YASS, an acronym of YASS, a definition YASS, an abbreviation of YASS and so on, then your search ends here because here we are going to provide you the YASS slang meaning, the YASS definition, the YASS acronym, the YASS abbreviation as well as how this word…
What is LIT? LIT Meaning. What does LIT mean?
If you are looking for what LIT means, the meaning of LIT, the definition of LIT, the acronym of LIT, the abbreviation of LIT, then you have landed in the right place, because here we are going to provide you the LIT slang meaning, the LIT definition, the LIT acronym, the LIT abbreviation. Can you figure out the meaning of LIT…
What is TURNT? What does TURNT mean?
If you are looking for what TURNT means, the meaning of TURNT, the definition of TURNT, the acronym of TURNT, then your search ends here because here we are going to provide you the TURNT slang meaning, the TURNT definition as well as how this word is used in the conversations both in written and verbal forms.…
What is SKL? SKL meaning. What SKL means?
Here on this page, we are going to explain in detail what does SKL mean, the meaning of SKL, the acronym of SKL, the definition SKL, the abbreviation of SKL. You will get to know the SKL slang meaning, the SKL definition, the SKL acronym, the SKL abbreviation and how this slang word SKL is used…
What is IGM? IGM meaning. What IGM means?
If you are looking for a meaning of IGM, an acronym of IGM, a definition of IGM, an abbreviation of IGM to find out what does IGM mean, then your search ends here because here we are going to provide you the IGM slang meaning, the IGM definition, the IGM acronym, the IGM abbreviation as well as how…
What is S2S? S2S meaning. What does S2S mean?
If you are looking for a meaning of S2S, an acronym of S2S, a definition S2S, an abbreviation of S2S to find out what S2S means, then you are in the right place because here we are going to provide you the S2S slang meaning, the S2S definition, the S2S acronym, the S2S abbreviation. We are also going…