What Does Beijing Barry Mean? Definition of Barack Obama's Phrase From His Speech

Define Beijing Barry Meaning Beijing Barry Definition Beijing Barry | De Reviews

You must be here to find out what Barack Obama's Beijing Barry phrase means. If so, then you are in the right place because here we are going to discuss the definition of Beijing Barry.

So, then what is Beijing Barry?

Well, it is very easy to understand. Beijing is the capital of China, of course, you know that, right? And Barry is the previous name of Barak Obama. He changed his name since he felt Barack sounded much more grown-up than Barry. So, then what does Beijing Barry mean? Well, it's a Fox News who called him a Beijing Barry in case he had any bank accounts in China when he was running for election.

However, this phrase become popular when former president Barack Obama himself mentioned it. Making his appearance at a rally for the Democrat nominee Joe Biden at Citizens Bank Park, Philadelphia, Barack Obama revealed about Donald Trump’s tax record including his "secret" Chinese bank account. Addressing a crowd of cheering supporters, Mr. Obama joked that if he had maintained a Chinese account during his own presidency, he would have been dubbed "Beijing Barry". So, this is how this phrase started to trend on social media.

And we are neither Biden supporter nor Trump supporter. Since we are not from the USA, so we are neutral here and just sharing the meaning of Beijing Barry. However, you are welcome to share your own point of view regarding this term by writing in the comment section below.

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