TimeSocial Scam or Legit? Time Social Genuine? TimeSocial.co Review

You must be here to find out either is a Time Social scam or a trustworthy website, right? If so, then you are in the right place since through this TimeSocial review, we are going to show you the real face of this site.

Time Social fake or real Timesocial legit or fraud TimeSocial review | De Reviews

TimeSocial Review: Time Social is a fraudulent website due to the following reasons:-

It is not a new kind of scam. If you search around the internet then you can find out lots of similar kinds of scam sites. You should know that all of these kinds of sites have plenty of complaints and dissatisfaction from various people.

TimeSocial.co and other similar kinds of scam sites have never paid to anyone. Once you request to cash-out your earnings, these kinds of sites will ask you to complete the paid surveys or pay some fees or download some apps in order to get the payment for which you have to pay money first. However, even if you pay them money, they will never pay you anything.

Scam sites like this make money by selling the personal information of users like their email address, payment processor details and so on which users have to provide them during registration and cash-out request.

A few examples of similar kinds of scam sites are Easy-EarnsBeauty, SocialEarn, SocialRebel, EarnCashTo, ItsDollar, MonthJob, SurveyJ, RoyaltyBucks, and so on.

These kinds of scam sites claim to pay $0.2 to $10 for each click that members receive on their referral links or $5 to $50 per referral sign up through that link for which members only have to copy-paste their referrals links on social media and other websites, forums, etc.

You can imagine how much sites like this need to earn to pay $2 for each click on referral links or $50 for each referral sign-up.

You should know that anyone can simply advertise their website link at the rate of $2 per 25+ clicks on social media and other sites which can bring them more than 1 referral sign-up just in $2. So, there is no reason to pay $0.2 to $10 per click or up to $50 per referral sign-up when they can get 25+ clicks and multiple sign-ups at lesser amount by directly advertising on those platforms. This proves the business model of these kinds of sites is completely bogus, and they won't pay anyone.

Sites like this also claim to pay $10 to $50 just for signing up on their website, $5 to $55 for downloading, installing and testing each app, $5 to $110 for completing each task/survey/offer, etc. These are additional bogus claims because none of the legit companies can make any benefit by paying such an amount of money for such simple tasks.

Aforementioned, now it is clear that TimeSocial.co is a scam. So, if you want to say something about it, then please feel free to place your comment below. Also feel free to share this TimeSocial review with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of this TimeSocial.co scam.

You can find the lots of suspicious sites listed within our “Suspicious” category by clicking >HERE< or you can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE< or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.

Good Luck !

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of De-Reviews.com. I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed De-Reviews.com as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.

67 thoughts on “TimeSocial Scam or Legit? Time Social Genuine? TimeSocial.co Review

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  2. here is how i know its fake, see am a computer guru so when i came intouch with time social
    i did everything they asked for,
    but i seemed to be stucked with invites since i dont really have friends that would join me
    which is why i came up with a trick, by downloading other browsing apps i was able to send the link to my self on facebook then sign up into new accounts using the link i was able to make my ten fake invites in my timesocial account,,, its kinda funny though
    but i want to share a trick with you guys if you wanna know how to quickly spot a fake and fraudulent website
    and PS the only online earning websites that is legit are always affiliate marketing
    example primechatz.com this is where am currently earning by promoting my business ideas and getting customers i earn cash

  3. I am so glad that I got to see all you guys comments. When I went to get back on the site it wouldn't let me it said that it was a scam! And this is how I found out I had an account with them and it said that I had earned $231. for me to cash out but they needed a debit card to send me the money. But I just felt like it wasn't true. I wait a few days and go back on the site when I found out all of this that is a scam! Thank you guys cuz I was about to make a big mistake. But now I want to know how do I delete my account. Thank you

  4. Timesocial is a real scam they haven't paid anybody,see after you wasted your data,time and money you finished all their requirements you will cash out and they will give you appointment time saying it's fourteen days let me tell before that fourteen days they will delete your account so that you won't be able to sign in again to the account ,so pls don't waste your time and data to do it ,that's why you can't delete your account on your own because they have hold the account.

  5. Hi,
    I'm a new user.
    Time Social is a Real ?
    Can We Believe timesocial.co/ ?
    Will our "Payment Method" be Secure ?

  6. Users Beware! Time social is like the platform Social DM. It could be the same company that just changed names.

    It is a CPA scam company that makes money on the back end from your work of signing people up via emails, downloads, etc. That's how they get paid, leading you on for a couple months before they pay you so that you can promote their CPA affiliate links. They are running fake bot reviews so that you can buy into their scams.

    It is a strategic setup scam created to make you believe that it is a legitimate company that will pay you. But the truth is, you are promoting their CPA affiliate links with no plans to ever pay you. 
    They are still running ads on social media to mislead so many people. 

    The same platform they are running ads on has a scam alert department for companies like these. 

    1. Did you receive your payout?
      I did everything legit, completed all task waited the 30 days which was today at 12:02 am and got nothing. I hounded friends and family to join that genuinely need the money as most people are still struggling to pick up the pieces from the damage COVID caused. I’m going to give it until the end of the day as 12 pm est banks usually pay out. If anything changes I will report back. I pray for those that are dependent on the money and time being the most valuable hasn’t been wasted in vein

  7. me too. all good reviews on trust pilot have been written in the same prose and poor english. i suggest it is the same person. i am due a cash out in january sometime and i’m yet to see. if i do- i’ll update. if i don’t come back, it was bogus.

  8. Well I joined the club a month ago. I was to receive a cash out yesterday and I have another one set for January 1st. I felt like it was a scam but I listened to people saying no it's not people are getting paid but nope so now I have to inform everyone who helped me get to my goal it was a scam. I think they already knew though. Unfortunately people do this kind of thing and get away with it.

      1. Totally fake because I clear all task but I can't payout? scam site just holding mails nothing elsa
        Don't waste ur time guys on this fake app thx

  9. I am very sketched out by "easy" money sites. A buddy sent me the referral... I started reading reviews and noticed something odd... the only people to say they got "paid", they were from other countries... nobody from the US got paid

    1. My payout is on the 16th of this month, so I will check back with everyone to let you know if I’ve been paid or not. I racked up about $1100 so it would be sweet if it paid me.

  10. The very very few people on here who said they got paid or their friend got paid, are most likely part of the scam. I don't even open like this anymore. If someone wants to help you or give you money for doing very little on the internet, it's a scam. Anything on the internet that asks you to send money first, then you will get your whatever, cash, prize etc. It's a scam. Try to remember the last time a stranger walked up to you and gave you money for doing nothing. It don't happen, just like online, it don't happen. Please get out as fast as you can, nothing good will come from this site. Good luck to all of you

    1. This is the biggest scam and l feel so bad as l have involved very close friends,l manage to complete the tasks and unfortunately no payments yet...it's very sad that desperate young people give their all only to be scammed their time,data and false hope for payment...This Sites Are a Scam !.

  11. I just completed everything and it said i have to wait till Jan-18.
    Is there anyone here who posted comments about waiting on cash out payment that has NOW been paid?
    Anyone out there please let me know.
    I know its a bit shady but I've seen shadier things done and although there was several requirements,once completed they DO PAY,
    its just that the requirements are very tedious and particular.

    1. Good morning,
      Did you ever receive your funds? I’m am waiting until January 10. People are saying it’s not legit

    2. I completed all the requirements and waited the required waiting period. And they never paid me. It's a scam sorry. Now I'm trying to inform all the people I told about it .

      1. 100% not a scam I got paid yesterday for mine. I did it the 23rd of November. And I am a IS citizen. It’s not a scam it just takes them a bit to process everyone’s stuff.

  12. Great Advice! im gonna Delete it too. It already jumped through 2 of the hoops and now im aware theres just more hoops thanks to you'z all!! TYVM

  13. I’ve been waiting to cash out on time social, My Referrals bonus is at $243 I need $250 to cash out it t hasn’t move but the balance part is getting bigger and bigger smh ??‍♀️ idk ??‍♀️ about this site I was told by a friend trusting their judgement…

  14. I just finished the requirements and it said 1 month til payout. It was already some bs when it lied and said $45 to sign up. Then it said need $150 to cash out . Then it said you need all your referrals to download apps so you get get a bonus before cashing out smh constant red flags. I chose PayPal I wasn’t putting my card info down. And I didn’t give my social on nothing or allow my apple id to be saved.

  15. All of you must not be using timesocial.co
    Because I have made almost 2 grand now off of playing games. Yes, here and there I spent a couple bucks on games, but no more that 5 bucks total. In 2 months I made money and it WAS paid out. I have received 2 payouts so far. Once you complete the initial steps, you can cash out instantly. They do the initial steps to prevent fraud. I can tell you that for me, this site is 100 percent legitimate.

    1. so you waited the month takes for them to review your actions to make sure it’s not fraud and they paid you on the date they gave you? i’m currently stuck there, i completed all requirements to cash out and was told to wait till december 30th to receive the money!

    2. I'm on timesocial and waiting to see if they payout on 22nd of Dec.. I did everything so hope it's true they pay my fingers cross

    3. I completed all the requirements and it said I was go to go for instant payouts. On the 2nd payout it was supposed to be instant. It was NOT . It says a month again. I can't say I'm not going to get paid but what's the deal with the second cashout? You even said it was instant?

    4. Really
      Because I made up to Three hundred dollars but I can't cash out simply because I didn't refer people

    1. Well I'm going to try this scam because that's exactly what it looks like with other similar make money on line traps!!! I see someone said it's legit for all I know he works with the scammers!!!

    1. There is no way to close account with them because even if you close your account, they will not delete your personal information that they have.

  16. Hi my name is Rhonda Mitchell and I'm highly upset about this game I've been playing this game ever since Saturday I don't completed things and I have not got my credit like I post to and I have not got my percentage like I post to every time I push and I don't post it that your site on my Facebook I post got 20% for that I did not my percentage been in the same ever since I started with y'all I have a thousand and $207 I'm trying to get my money and it keeps on top of my I cannot take out because my percentage is not too low I have not done what I supposed to be doing but every time I push in a reward it must go to My rewards and it goes to my other one like right now I have over 50 something shares all I did I did not share that's some of my rewards inside that too so y'all is supposed to be I supposed to be checked out I'm highly upset because I've been so excited about this game I've been seeing my family getting paid for this game and I have not got paid for my games and I wish somebody will give me a contact or call or something because this is highly upset with me and you can reach me by 573-303-2789 or my email is big juicy982@gmail.com I don't put y'all story on my Facebook and everything I must got 25% off of that and I did not

  17. Sanata Grigsby.. I don't know whether it's that you work for these people or not, it's pretty easy to understand what states like this you're doing once you just get back you really look. They'll have you wasting your entire day just filling out ridiculously redundant :tasks, surveys, games.. just chasing down cash out with high numbers. And after all of that, there point of income, is charging you the fees to try to get your money. Honestly, when you take a real good look at it, it's a really big way of scamming people.

  18. I was just on Instagram and I fell for the scheme I have sent them like 70 dollars in total to just receive my 5,000 dollars what do I do now because now they not even replying back.

  19. I have been using timesocial for almost a week now and was disappointed to see I had to complete all these social media task's before I can cash out. But I'm not an influencer, and I'm not a 20 year old girl with hundreds of friends and post's on Instagram.

  20. I know dozens of people who have fallen for this scam and not one of them has received any money after trying to cash out.

  21. I like how this article was put in plain simple math & strategy. Once explained its like "oh duh". Of course they won't pay you for such little work. It's mathematically impossible. I also like that it didn't end there. There was good advice @ the end. Nice site, thanks & I'll definitely be back ??

  22. Furthermore, you're targeted on the social media platforms that you post onto in order to get referrals, by a TimeSocial agent who wants to give you your $2000-$3000 payout for winning a drawing that you never even signed up for. Oh but here's the catch, in order to deposit the $3000 into your cashapp account, you must first pay the TimeSocial agent $20, $25, or $30 for 'Processing fees' and then the $3000 is turned over to you immediately. Why should someone have to pay a fee for a drawing they won...let alone, didn't even know they were in a drawing to begin with. Why not just send the person $2975 instead? It feels as if this whole website scam is run by a ring of uneducated high-school dropouts, who couldn't even convince a drowning person to grab the floatation ring to save their lives.

  23. The person writing this is uneducated which is obvious throughout this BS article due to the lack of proper grammar or punctuation. This person also based their opinion and the article off other sites; not timesocial.co. I know 2 people who have used it and got to cash out. If you're not getting paid, it's a glitch. Figure it out. You had a bad experience. Not everyone has had that experience. And... This is nothing like a pyramid scheme. Look up words, people! Find definitions.

    1. You know for sure they cashed out? Like legitimately got the money from it? I am doing it now and cashed out and it said I had to wait a full month in order to get my earnings. Just curious…

    2. No legitimate "how to make money online" channel on YouTube mentions timesocial. Which I noticed after joining. That's a red flag. Also I bet you're just a troll, and don't even have an account on timesocial.

    3. It's a big lie they haven't pay anybody,before the appointment time they gave you they will delete your account means you won't have access to your account ,

  24. Timesocial is Bull Crap I followed instructions and no payment on my account like they said.. this is identity theft.. there is no legit app in the world wide web that will hand out money just for clicking and downloading....gis has to be a felony and trace down who ever posted this scam!!!

  25. Please how do I close this stupid acct. Like a dummy I signed up because a friend needed her money back. I thought it was her friend's site. This is only a pyramid scheme. Please help!

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