Handvana Review

HandvanaFoam.com Review: Handvana Review: HandvanaFoam Scam or Legit?

Note: HandvanaFoam (Hand Vana Foam) is very much similar to HealthvanaFoam. However, Healthvana has confirmed through their official Twitter page that the HealthvanaFoam.com, which is selling Handvana Hand Sanitizer (previously named Healthvana Hand Sanitizer), has nothing to do with Healthvana company although it is using the name of Healthvana. So, this is enough to prove[…]

Review: Handvana or Hempvana or Healthvana Hand Sanitizers Scam or Legit?

(Note: Healthvana has confirmed through their official Twitter page that the HealthvanaFoam.com, which is selling Handvana Hand Sanitizer (previously named Healthvana Hand Sanitizer), has nothing to do with Healthvana company although it is using its name. So, this is enough to prove that HealthvanaFoam.com and similar sites are not doing a good business.) These days[…]