If you are looking for the definition, acronym, or abbreviation of Imold, then you are on the right platform because here you are going to find out what does Imold mean as well as how this word is used over the conversations.
So, then what is Imold?
#It stands for the short version of "I am Old" / "I'm Old" which is used in the conversations to represent an old or mature person. So the simple meaning of Imold is I AM OLD.
The abbreviation Iamold is used on social media sites with Hashtag if someone wants to say something about getting mature or old.
How is Hashtag Iamold used in the social media conversaions?
Some of the examples of how the Hashtag Iamold is used over social media conversations are:
I feel I'm more mature than I used to be. #Iamold
I now stay at home during Friday nights. #iamold
I'm being more responsible than before. #iamold
I feel showing off in the front of friends is just a kid stuff. Looks like I'm getting mature and old. #Iamold
You should try to #imold a little bit!
And so on.
Well, now you know the meaning of Iamold from the above definition, so if you want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below.
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