You may be here because you may have tried to use Facebook, Messenger, Instagram or WhatsApp and find out they are offline showing errors like "Server Not Found", "Site Can’t Be Reached", "Server Error", or "Computer Not Connected". So, you may be trying to find out either you can fix it or not, either it is only you who is facing this error or other users are also facing the same error. Don't worry, it's not only you but almost all users are facing this error.

According to DownDetector, the issues started at around 16.44 BST (11.44 ET). It seems that this problem is affecting the users globally.
The hashtags like #facebookdown, #instagramdown, #Messengerdown and #WhatsAppDown are trending on Twitter regarding this issue.
On official Twitter page of Facebook, they have mentioned about this issue as below:
"We’re aware that some people are having trouble accessing our apps and products. We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, and we apologize for any inconvenience."
Andy Stone who is at Communications in Facebook has tweeted the same thing.
On official Twitter of WhatsApp, you can find the information as below:
"We’re aware that some people are experiencing issues with WhatsApp at the moment. We’re working to get things back to normal and will send an update here as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!"
You can also find this tweet on official Twitter page of Instagram: "Instagram and friends are having a little bit of a hard time right now, and you may be having issues using them. Bear with us, we’re on it! #instagramdown"
You should know that Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are owned by Facebook. So, it looks like there is some problem in whole network.
Facebook owned services are like Facebook Workplace and the Oculus website are also down.
So, you should not be worried about it since you are not the only one who is facing this issue.
How to fix this problem? How long it may take to fix this problem?
At the moment you can't do anything to fix this problem since it is not a problem from your side but it is a problem within Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger apps and sites.
As mentioned in their official tweets, they are trying to fix this problem as soon as possible. Until now they haven't mentioned how long it may take to fix this issue. But, these are giant social medias with lots of users. So, we are sure they are working on it and they won't leave until they fix it.
Now you know that it is not a problem from your side, so you just relax and wait for their updates. Until that time, you can use other apps and services. For example, this issue is trending now in Twitter.
If you find any new updates or find the reason why these social media apps and sites are down, then please inform us using the comment section below.
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