Evri Redelivery Shipment Fee Message Genuine? Scam Or Legit?

Beware of scam text messages about Evri redelivery shipment fee with links like evri-redelivery .com, evri-mydelivery .com, evir-arrivedfrom .com, evri-missed-parcel. com, evri-reschedule-fee .com, evriparcelredelivery .com, evri-parcelredelivery .com, evri-redeliver .com, evri-reschedules .com, redelivery-evri .com, etc. as below from numbers like 447568963015, 447544861097, 44 7548 448272, 447548448082, 44 7542 384210, 07543568258, 447543517155, 447543523295, 44 7923 444326, 07923446646, 44 7542 334087 etc.

  • "Evri: Our driver David attempted to deliver your shipment today but was unsuccessful. To arrange a redelivery, please visit: https: //evri-mydelivery .com"
  • "EVRI: Our driver Adam attempted to deliver your parcel today, but was unsuccessful. To arrrange a redelivery, please visit: https ://evri.rescheduledelivery .com"
  • "Evri: Sorry our driver Matthew missed you today since no one answered. RescheduIe via https :evri-rebooking .com"
  • "Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a failed ???????? ???????. Please visit: https: //redelivery-evri .com to ?????????? a ????????.”
  • "????: Your ???? has a £1.45 unpaid ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: https: //evri-reschedule-fee .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender."
  • EVRI: We attempted to deliver your parcel today, but were unsuccessful. To arrange a redelivery, please visit: evriparcelredelivery .com
  • Evri: Your parcel has a £2.99 unpaid shipping fee, pay this now at https: //evri-reschedules .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to its sender
  • “Evri: Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: https: //evri-redelivery .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender."
  • “Dave attempted to deliver your shipment today, but was unsuccessful. To arrange redelivery please visit https: //evri-mydelivery .com”

You may get similar types of such scam text messages in several forms. So, you can help us by reporting similar kinds of scams below in the comment section. If you are concerned with your privacy, then you can comment below without submitting your email address.

Beware of Evri Parcel Delivery Scam Text Mentioning Redelivery Shipping Fee | De Reviews

What is the motive behind these fraudulent text messages?

These fraud messages are not from any genuine companies, but are from scammers to get your personal information so that they can scam you. They may ask you to click some link and submit the personal details on the fake website posing the real ones or call them or message/reply to them where they will trick you to submit your personal details. So, you should not follow any instructions provided in these kinds of messages or click any link or download anything (if provided any). The links or files provided in these messages may also contain some viruses or malware or spyware that can hack your device as well.

So, if you get confused about the legitimacy of the messages that you received, then it’s better you contact or check on the official website of the respective company (in this case you can contact Evri) to confirm either the messages you received are real or fake ones.

Once these cybercriminals get your personal information, they make money by selling those details. If they get your credit card information, even they can steal money from your credit card.

These messages may not come in the name of the same company or in the same format. These scammers may use multiple numbers, emails, and the name of companies to send various kinds of scam messages. A few examples of other scam messages are:

Scam Text Message Saying Wrong Number From A Girl With Picture

Fraudulent Emails From info@wewe.global (Wewe Global)

PayPal: You Have Sent A Payment To Zola Ndut Of $9.99 USD Scam Text

Scam Messages Purports To Be The UK Post Office With Local-Depot-GB links

So, help us by reporting similar types of messages by using the comment section below.

Now you know the reality of these kinds of fraudulent messages. So, if you want to say something about it or want to report any kinds of scams, then please feel free to leave your comment below. After all, we are here to spread awareness about scams. So, let’s do it together. Let’s save innocent people from scams.

You can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE< or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.

If you want to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of these kinds of scam messages, then please feel free to do so.

Good Luck!

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of De-Reviews.com. I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed De-Reviews.com as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.

150 thoughts on “Evri Redelivery Shipment Fee Message Genuine? Scam Or Legit?

  1. fugit hic velit voluptatem expedita expedita et animi qui voluptatem saepe odit similique veritatis. voluptatem facere dolorum est nam et consequatur animi expedita mollitia explicabo aut maiores. veritatis ut sunt quidem quia et sint qui distinctio aut enim est voluptatibus vel aliquid quia. nihil amet voluptatem voluptatem.

  2. Received message: UPDATE
    EVRl: Item (P81M29ZF91) has just been received back at our POST-OFFICE. Please re-ship it via: rebooking.info-18.com/
    From number +447305002815
    I'm not waiting for anything so ?

  3. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-reschedule-shipping .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.
    From: +447593277403

  4. Just received a text "????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: myevri-item-reshipment .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender." It was sent from 07548 441906

  5. UK mobile and address: from 07593233765
    Your parcel has 1.45 fee [.....] to [....] now go to: myevri-pending-item .com [...] to pay.

  6. I received a similar text from mobile number: 07548438081.

    "Evri: Your parcelhas a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit:
    myevri-reschedule-fees .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender".
    Just another scam.

  7. Just got a message from number 0447548446035 saying that Evri has returned my parcel back to the branch due to a failed delivery attempt.
    Evri never returns my parcels they always leave it where I told them in a comment on the delivery sheet. So I know my message is a scam. Number now blocked

  8. This seems to be a big issue with evri- delivery service, simple solution is try not to use their service in the first place! As soon as delivery companies stop printing peoples phone numbers on parcels this problem will be cut down. I've had two text messages just the same as everyone else commented here, until something is done to stop it this will not go away.

  9. I got a text from 07593248675 (the first few digits are in common with a lot of the numbers reported here, text reads:
    "Your parcel has a £1.45 (block of unreadable characters) fee, to (block of unreadable characters) this now visit: evri-redelivered-update,com (block of unreadable characters) will result in your (block of unreadable characters) being (block of unreadable characters) to sender."

    If I had a smartphone it might have looked more convincing and might have had clickable links that would take me somewhere other than the real evri website.

  10. I have received a couple, one this morning saying my parcel has a £1.45 fee to pay. some of the text is redacted which is suspicious. I was sent from mobile 07593 277859.

  11. I received this scam message on the 31th of August.

    The message is:

    Evri: Your parceI has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now Visit: https ://evri-reschedule-pending .com
    Failure will result ini your parcel being returned to sender.

    Number is: 7593694642

  12. I'm expecting a parcel from Ukraine, so when I received a text from evri-unpaid-redelivery .com requesting £1.45 I tried the tracking number but it couldn't find my parcel. As my mobile isn't smart most of the text was empty squares, so it might have been plausible. Thanks for letting me know it's a scam.

  13. Got a text from these for a £1-45 redilvery fee. I have asked them who they are as nobody has tried to deliver anything without my security camera filming them. My normal deliverers have no problems and always deliver within the time specified for delivery by the sender.
    I consider evri to be a bunch of scammers.

    1. I really do not think that these messages actually come from evri or any of their staff.
      They simply do not work this way!
      I would expect that the same sort of messages are being sent in the name of other reputable companies.

  14. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-redelivery-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

    From: +447842651922

  15. Text received at half past midnight (!) saying your parcel has a £1.45 fee, to visit evri-delivered-fees .com, etc. My phone is not a smartphone, so most of the message was unreadable, just a lot of blank icons. From 447593286308.

  16. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-schedule-form .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

    Text message from +447594708816

  17. evri;your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee to pay this now visit:evri-redelivered-parcel .com.failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender

  18. Evir: Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit evir-redelivered-parcel .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender. Have received a total of 2 text messages so far with the 1st being sent to me at 19:22hrs on the 25th August 2022 with a follow up at 01:29hrs this morning (26th August 2022). Both are trying to get money out but will be blocked.

  19. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-redelivered-item .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  20. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  21. EVRI: Your parcel has been returned to our depot due to a failed delivery attempt please visit: https ://gb-evri-package .web .app to reschedule delivery.

  22. Telephone number 44 7594 707392
    ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-missed-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  23. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-item-reshipment .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.
    +44 7593 216395

  24. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

    The number is: +447594706754

  25. Evri: We we're unable to deliver your parcel today. To reschedule your delivery for a later date please visit: https ://gb-evri-parcel .web .app

  26. Evri: Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender.

  27. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  28. I received this email on my phone but Safari could not connect so I I assumed it was a scam. decided to check it out on my PC and found out it was Phew!!

  29. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.
    from 07594737560

  30. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  31. Received from - +44 7593 241080

    ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-reshipment-fees .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  32. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.
    Message from 44 7594 734146

  33. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.
    Message from 44 7594 734146

  34. Evri: Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender. Message from +447594734079

  35. 447594721967
    :Your parcel has a £1.45 fee, to this now visit:evri-recheduled-items .com. will result in your being to sender.

    the above message appeared on my mobile in a text. The stupid scammer cant even string a sentence together.

  36. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-items .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  37. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-update-fee .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

    +44 7594 721756

  38. How do they know? About 15 minutes ago I got an email to say I had a parcel on its way via Evri (this is true I know I have) - then 5 minutes ago a text saying the same as everyone else. So do we assume its someone in EVRI? Or they wouldnt know that Id actually got a parcel going through the system thankyou

  39. Evri: Your parcel has a £1.35 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: evri-reschedule-option .com Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender

  40. Evri: Your parcel has a £1.35 shipping fee, to pat this now visit :evri-reschedule-option .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender.

  41. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-rescheduled-item .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  42. My text message read:-
    Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: evri-branch-direct .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender.

    I clicked the link and started to put my card details in to pay and was asked for ‘date of birth’ and other account details when I became suspicious. I found your review which was very helpful. Thank you. With out this kind of referral I would not have known about this kind of scam.

  43. parcel returned to our depot failed delivery,,please visit evri-package-gb .web .app to reschedule and pay a fee

  44. EVRI: Your parcel has been returned to our depot due to a failed delivery attempt. Please visit https ://gb-evri .web .app to rearrange delivery.

    From +447542841179

  45. Scam or not ? I think it is!
    We attempted a delivery at 12:00! (!-really)
    Please Visit: (caps V?)
    evri-rescheduleservice .com
    otherwise parcel will be returned to sender. (otherwise this parcel?)

    Very suspicious!

  46. Evri: Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: myevri-delivery-fees .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender.

  47. EVRI: Delivery was missed today as no one was in. To book a new delivery slot for your item, please head to https ://evri.ref2792 .com.
    Was in all day and have nothing on order anyway. Obvious scam.

  48. The scmamin' ***** have evolved somewhat. The first txt I got from them was made to look like it came from the post offie.

    Don't have it anymore but a quick check of the link made it obviously not postoffice. It was something like localopost .office .uk instead of a genuine post office link.

    Stay sharp and preferably id your gonna mess with forms look at the them with a browser in safe mode or through Tor. I guarantee it'll be marked out as a scam site by the exit node

  49. Received a message this morning from 447485551690 'parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee to pay this now visit: nyevri-redelivery-fees .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender'

  50. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: myevri-redelivery-fees .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  51. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: myevri-localfacility .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

    +44 7713 715864

  52. Euan try to give your items at 09:45. To see your options and book a re-schedule visit: https ://myevri-shipping-help .com
    From: +44 7709 645892

  53. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: myevri-shipping-fees .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  54. Your parcel has £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: evri-redeliver-missed .com. failure will result in.

    message from +447563877454

  55. Evrl your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee,evri-deliver-missed .com .Failure will result in your parcel being returned to the sender.


  56. received text from EVRI saying that i need to pay £1-45p to receive my parcel ITS A SCAM
    telephone number+447845017818

  57. Evri: Your order is waiting to be shipped. Please confirm the 1.45 (GBP) settlement charge via: https ://myevri-shipment .web .app


  58. Received from +44 7485 750916 01/06/2022

    ????: Your parcel has a £1.35 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-redelivery-parcel .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.


  59. ????: Your parcel has a £1.35 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-redelivery-parcel .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender

    Message from: +447485750916

  60. ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-redelivered-fee .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

    1. Evri: Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit: evri-missed-delivery .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender.

  61. Text message sent from 0447928418545. Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping feee to pay visit redeliver-evri .com.
    This is a scam.

  62. ????: Your parcel has a £1.35 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-re-delivery-item .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  63. Evri;your parcel has a £1.35shipping fee, to pay this now visit;
    evri-re-deliver-fee .com, failure to result in your parcel be
    ing returned to sender;

  64. had this message today
    “????: Your ???? has a £1.45 unpaid ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: https: //evri-reschedule-fee .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.”
    went to the link, and it was asking for bank details and card details, this was very suspicious so i closed the site, and then found this list of similar issues.

  65. evri your parcel has shipping fee etc. i did have genuine delivery few days ago. where did they get my details!! is there an insider!!

  66. From number +44 7563 879261
    ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-delivery-fees .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  67. +447563877454
    ????: Your parcel has a £1.45 ???????? fee, to ??? this now visit: evri-package-fees .com. ??????? will result in your ?????? being ???????? to sender.

  68. Text received today from 07759 386756 - Evri: Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit evri-repayment-fee .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender.

  69. had a text tonight at 9.28pm +447759386756 saying Evri : Your parcel has a £1.45 shipping fee, to pay this now visit evri-repament-fee .com Failure will result in your parcel being returned to sender.

    I know that this is a scam as I have no parcels due to be delivered.

  70. 0447759364554 message:
    Your parcel has been to our branch due to a failed attempt.
    Please visit: re-shipping-evri .com to reschedle a .
    Message received exactly as this with gaps on 08/05/2022
    Tried to ring but unable to connect !!

  71. I received this text message: Evri: Your ??????? has been ?????????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 ???????? fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-item .com. To ?????????? a ??-????????.
    From +447394166935

  72. Got a message from number +44 7394 168680 saying: Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-fees .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

  73. Evri: Your parcel has a £2.99 unpaid shipping fee, pay this now at https ://evri-rescheduled .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to its sender

  74. ????: Your parcel has been ???????? to our branch due to a failed ???????? attempt. Please visit: re-shipping-evri .com to reschedule a ????????.

  75. Got this message from +447485447305 at 21:58
    Evri: Your package has been redirected to our branch due to a £1.45 shipping fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-item .com. To reschedule a re-delivery

  76. "Your package has been redirected to our branch due to a £1.45 shipping fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-item .com. To reschedule a re-delivery" received this at 4:24 am.

  77. Your package has been redirected to our branch due to a £1.35 shipping fee. A scam, similar to the other posts. There is link to evri-redelivery-parcel-fee .com. Beware.

  78. Received at 05:09hrs from +44 7394 120657 : ????: Your parcel has been ???????? to our branch due to a failed ???????? attempt. Please visit: evri-reshipment-fee .com to reschedule a ????????.

  79. Received at 05:09hrs from +44 7394 120657 : ????: Your parcel has been ???????? to our branch due to a failed ???????? attempt. Please visit: evri-reshipment-fee .com to reschedule a ????????.

  80. ????: Your item has been ???????? to our branch due to a failed ???????? attempt. Please visit: evri-reshipping-parcel .com to reschedule a ????????.

  81. +44 7394 152819
    Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-parcel .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

  82. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-parcel .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

  83. I received a text message today 5th May.

    Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a failed ???????? ???????. Please visit: https ://rescheduled-evri .com to ?????????? a ????????.

    The number: +44 7707 101565

  84. Text received from +447707 009095 at 7.00am; Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a failed ???????? ???????. Please visit: https ://rescheduled-evri .com to ?????????? a ????????.

  85. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-parcel .com. To ?????????? a ????????.


  86. Received a text from 07394 152819 at 03.00 on 5/5/22:
    Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: https ://evri-reshipping-parcel .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

    Thought I’d check it out before clicking and I’m glad I did!

  87. The message I received: EVRI: We attempted to deliver your parcel today, but were unsuccessful. To arrange a redelivery, please visit: evriparcel-redelivery .com
    Message received from: 07305 090897

  88. "Evri: Your parcel has been returned to our branch due to a failed delivery attempt. Please visit: https ://evri-tracking-id .com to reschedule a delivery"

    Annoyingly for me recieved a few days before my birthday so I wasn't not expecting a delivery! I clicked the link (stupidly) and I think it autofilled a tracking number, and then I think there was some error. Either way, didn't submit any personal info but I'm worried clicking the link itself may have had malware issues or something now. Very stupid. Caught me off guard.

  89. I have received 2 messages from "EVRI" with wording the same as given above. The thing is that I am waiting for a delivery and was informed that it arrived in England on the 1st May. How do I know whether my message is genuine or fake. I am so confused now.

  90. yes i just got a txt from +447394152819 saying that i need to pay £1.45 on shipment fee ,this morning ..

  91. Received 3 messages over about 3 days, 2 saying Simon attempted to deliver your parcel today on no.+447840852575 & another on no.+447394175122 saying Evri: Your parcel has been returned to our branch due to a £1.45 shipment fee

  92. got a text saying I owed £1.45 delivery fee and to go to evri-redelivery-fees .com to reschedule from 447394167703

  93. From +447394167703
    Evri. Your parcel has been returned to our branch due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit evri-redelivery-fees .com. T reschedule a delivery.

  94. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-fees .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

  95. Message from number +447394175122

    Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-missed-item .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

  96. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a failed ???????? ???????. Please visit: https ://repayment-evri .com to ?????????? a ????????.

    I am awaiting deliveries but I know Evri will leave them in my back garden so I knew the message was fake!

  97. Received message from +44 7394118221 Friday, 29th April 2022 @17:23
    Evri: (Missed package) Your parcel has a £1.45 unpaid shipping fee, please visit evri-payment-fee .com to reschedule a re-delivery

  98. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a failed ???????? ???????. Please visit: https ://re-delivery-evri .com to ?????????? a ????????.

  99. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-package-redelivery .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

  100. Got a message from number+44 7394 152819 saying: Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-fees .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

    I am actually expecting a parcel from them today so sounds really suspicious to me. Obviously it is a scam so won’t be visiting the link but it’s more than a coincidence!

  101. 44 7394174214 Evri :Your parcel has been returned .................... evri-shipping fee .com

  102. Test message from +447394175122 received at 04.02:
    Evri: your parcel has been returned to our branch due to a £1.45 shipment fee; please visit evri-reshipping-fee .com to reschedule a delivery

    1. I got this same message today. If I was actually waiting for a parcel I might have just have replied to it!

  103. Evri: Our driver David attempted to deliver your package today, but was unsuccessful. To arrange a redelivery, please visit: https ://evri-mydelivery

  104. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-fee .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

    From: +447394152819

  105. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a failed ???????? ???????. Please visit: evri-shippingfee .com to ?????????? a ????????.

  106. Evri: Your ?????? has been ???????? to our ?????? due to a £1.45 shipment fee, please visit: evri-reshipping-fee .com. To ?????????? a ????????.

  107. EVRI : (Missed package) Your item has a £1.45 unpaid shipping fee, to reschedule a delivery please visit :https ://Ebro-shipping fee .com
    Sent from +44 7394 120657

  108. Evri: Our driver David attempted to deliver your package today, but was unsuccessful. To arrange a redelivery, please visit: https ://evri-mydelivery
    From +447544854437 yesterday

  109. ????: (Missed package) Your ???? has a £1.45 ?????? ???????? ???, to ?????????? a ???????? please visit: https ://evri-shippingfee .com

    Received from 07394 120657

  110. Evri: Your parcel has a £2.99 unpaid shipping fee, pay this now at https ://evri-postpone .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to its sender.

    Sent from +44 7707 013008

  111. ????: (Missed package) Your ???? has a £1.45 ?????? ???????? ???, to ?????????? a ???????? please visit: https ://evri-shippingfee .com

  112. Evri: Our driver David attempted to deliver your package today, but was unsuccessful. To arrange a redelivery, please visit: https ://evri-mydelivery
    Received today

  113. Got a text today: Evri: Your parcel has a £2.99 upaid shipping fee, pay this now at https ://evripostpone .com. Failure will result in your parcel being returned to its sender.

  114. I received this text : Evri: Our driver David attempted to deliver your package today, but was unsuccessful. To arrange a redelivery, please visit: https ://evri-mydelivery

  115. I have received the same text with the driver David and I knew its not genuine and I would like to report his number , so others won’t be fool by these criminals. The number is: 07544854437! Be aware!!!

  116. I have just had a text linking to evri-payment.com requesting a £1.45 payment, there is no parcel reference number, I am not expecting a parcel and there is no capital for Evri. I, therefore, assume this is a scam.

  117. Evri: (Missed package) Your parcel has a £1.45 unpaid shipping fee, please visit: evri-redivery-fee .com. To reschedule a re-delivery.

    Received twice from 07934 121549 and 07934 152819

    Suggest other recipients forward message to 7726 spam service

  118. Evri: Our driver David attempted to deliver your package today, but was unsuccessful. To arrange a redelivery, please visit: https ://evri-mydelivery
    This is the text I received today.

  119. I just had a text saying our driver David tried to deliver your parcel but was unsuccessful, click on link for redelivery .

  120. I received a message from Evri yesterday. It said, Unfortunately we weren't able to get your parcel to you today at 11.59am. To view redelivery options visit every-payment.com
    I was expecting a delivery today but the link wanted to charge for a redelivery.

  121. ????: Your ??????? has been ?????????? to our ??????, to ????????? a delivery and ??? the £1.45 ??? visit: reshipment-evri .com

    Yet these people are getting better as the link takes you to a very good look alike site!!!

  122. Evri: Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get your ?????? to you today at 15:23PM. To view ??-???????? options, visit: evri-payment .com

    Message from.. 07394171888

  123. Evri: Your parcel has been returned to our branch due to a failed delivery attempt. Please visit: http: //evri-payment .com to reschedule a delivery

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