Driver-Attempt Scam Or Legit? Is It A Genuine Message? - Our Driver John Tried To Deliver To You Today But Unfortunately Did Not Get An Answer

Beware of scam text messages with "Driver-Attempt .com" links coming from numbers like 07732339836, 07519887655, 07763242851, 07542701938, 07516426901, 07521375774, 44 7732 326883, 44 7513 332076, 44 7871 195780, etc. Few examples of such fraudulent messages are as below:

"Hello, our driver John tried to deliver to you today but unfortunately did not get an answer. To set a new date visit hxxps://"

"Our driver Adam attempted to deliver your item today, but no one was home. please visit https://driver-attempt .com for more information. it's christmas eve, they're trying their luck with people rushing to make sure everything is ready."

You may get similar types of such scam text messages in several forms. So, you can help us by reporting similar kinds of scams below in the comment section. If you are concerned with your privacy, then you can comment below without submitting your email address.

Beware of fraudulent text messages with Driver Attempt website link

What is the motive behind these fraudulent messages?

These fraud messages are not from any genuine companies but are from scammers to get your personal information so that they can scam you. They may ask you to click some link and submit the personal details on the fake website posing the real ones or call them or message/reply to them where they will trick you to submit your personal details. So, you should not follow any instructions provided in these messages or click any link or download anything (if provided any). The links or files provided on these messages may also contain some viruses or malware or spyware that can hack your device as well.

Once these cybercriminals get your personal information, they make money by selling those details. If they get your credit card information, even they can steal money from your credit card. So, you should not follow any instructions provided on these kinds of messages

These messages may not come in the name of the same company or in the same format. These scammers may use multiple numbers, emails, and the name of companies to send similar messages. A few examples of scam messages are:

WAL Shipment Tracking, WAL Package Tracking or WAL Parcel Tracking Message Scam Messages

VZN Free Msg Scam

MyPCR-Test Scam

Scam Messages pretending to be from T-Mobile, etc.

So, help us by reporting similar types of messages by using the comment section below.

Now you know the reality of these kinds of fraudulent messages. So, if you want to say something about it or want to report any kinds of scams, then please feel free to leave your comment below. After all, we are here to spread awareness about scams. So, let’s do it together. Let’s save innocent people from scams.

You can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE< or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.

If you want to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of these kinds of scam messages, then please feel free to do so.

Good Luck!

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.


10 responses to “Driver-Attempt Scam Or Legit? Is It A Genuine Message? - Our Driver John Tried To Deliver To You Today But Unfortunately Did Not Get An Answer”

  1. Got this text today-
    'Simon attempted to deliver today your parcel but no one answered. Reschedule & track parcel at: https ://local-depot23 .com'
    from +447516654348

    1.  Avatar

      I also got this message today 30/6/22 from+447895683536

  2. Had text today from 07871 591837 advising " Keiran tried to deliver your shipment today but no one was home. To re-organise a new date for this please visit local-depot-gb .com "

  3. Had the same message today from 07719 047114, saying “Hello, our driver John tried to deliver to you today but there wasn't anyone home . To set a new date visit attempt-by-driver .com/“

  4.  Avatar

    I had the same message (though the link was to driver-location .com) - the phone number was 07742870062

  5.  Avatar

    I had a message with the same content the number was

  6. +447922038523 text today while I was sat in my front room "Hello, our driver John tried to deliver to you today but unfortunately did not get an answer. To set a new date visit https:// driver-attempt .com".

  7. P Hurrell Avatar
    P Hurrell

    Text message from:
    +44 7563 521623
    Hello our driver John tried to deliver to you today but unfortunately did not get an answer. To set a new date visit driver-attempt com

    I have not clicked the link as I believe this is a scam. They did not identify their company. They did not identify me by name. I’m not expecting any packages or parcels. I’ve been up since before 06:00 and finally, the cherry on top, no card through the letterbox.

  8. Had driver-attempt . Com message this morning from +44 7709 610269

  9. Alexandra Holmes-croote Avatar
    Alexandra Holmes-croote

    I have had the one with John tried to deliver, i did give my details shall i inform my bank asap

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