
We identify scams by keeping an eye on advertisements across social media and different ad networks. We examine information such as the company's address, parent company name, trust seal, social media activity, customer complaints, discount offers, copied contents, website layouts, and many more.

In some cases, we go a step further and actually buy products, services, and schemes to get the real experience and test the legitimacy of the websites and other online activities.

Our team consists of online review experts with extensive experience in this field. Committed to delivering reliable and original content, we prioritize uniqueness and trustworthiness in our reviews. Learn more about our team here:

In this scam category, you'll discover reviews covering a range of scams. Explore the detailed reviews of these scams here.

Review: Beware of OunVideon.Club Scam, It’s Not Legit

Beware of OunVideon Club scam website. Yes, OunVideon Club is not a genuine or trustworthy platform to make money online. It is a scam site that is online to collect your personal information but not to pay you. There were multiple similar kinds of scam sites in the past. OK, let’s begin with our OunVideonClub[…]

Review: Beware of AkuVideon.Club Scam, It’s Not Legit

Beware of AkuVideon Club scam website. Yes, AkuVideon Club is not a genuine or trustworthy platform to make money online. It is a scam site that is online to collect your personal information but not to pay you. There were multiple similar kinds of scam sites in the past. OK, let’s begin with our AkuVideon[…]

Review: Beware of YwuVideon.Club Scam, It’s Not Legit

Beware of YwuVideon Club scam website. Yes, YwuVideon Club is not a genuine or trustworthy platform to make money online. It is a scam site that is online to collect your personal information but not to pay you. There were multiple similar kinds of scam sites in the past. OK, let’s begin with our YwuVideon[…]

Review: Beware of YodVideon.XYZ Scam, It’s Not Legit

Beware of YodVideon XYZ scam website. Yes, YodVideon XYZ is not a genuine or trustworthy platform to make money online. It is a scam site that is online to collect your personal information but not to pay you. There were multiple similar kinds of scam sites in the past. OK, let’s begin with our YodVideon[…] Review: Legit? Devweb Scam

Devwebh, also known as Devweb, which is selling a variety of products, is not a genuine or trustworthy website. Yes, Devwebh is a scam. Well, let’s find out why is a scam and what is in real through our Devwebh review here. So, let’s begin with our Devwebh review. Devwebh, which is also[…] Review: Legit? Nokume Scam

Nokumej, also known as Nokume, which is selling a variety of products, is not a genuine or trustworthy website. Yes, Nokumej is a scam. Well, let’s find out what is in real through our Nokumej review here. Nokumej, which is also known as Nokume, is a fraudulent website due to the following reasons:- #[…] Review: Legit? Zaliftv Scam

Zaliftv, which is selling a variety of products, is not a genuine or trustworthy website. Yes, Zaliftv is a scam. Well, let’s find out why is a scam and what is in real through our Zaliftv review here. So, let’s begin with our Zaliftv review. Zaliftv is a fraudulent website due to the[…] Review. Fraike Scam or Legit?

Notice: Fraike has now completely changed its website theme and the product list. Now it is selling Kayaks which proves Fraike is a scam because none of the legit companies will change everything on their website like that. Below is our Fraike review based on the previous Fraike website. Are you looking for the Fraike[…]

Riped.Club Review: Legit? Riped Scam

You can find multiple fraudulent sites that look exactly similar to Riped Club. So, it makes clear that Riped Club is a site from a serial scammer who has multiple scam sites. Now you know that Riped Club is not a trustworthy online store but if you want to find out in detail why is[…]