AllNowTrendy Review: Legit? Scam

AllNowTrendy complaints AllNowTrendy fake or real AllNowTrendy legit or fraud | De Reviews Review: Beware of “All Now Trendy”, it is not a genuine online store, instead, is a scam online store. Ok, let’s find out why is All Now Trendy a scam, what makes AllNowTrendy a scam and what is in real through our All Now Trendy review here. So, let’s begin with our review.

AllNowTrendy complaints AllNowTrendy fake or real AllNowTrendy legit or fraud | De Reviews

“All Now Trendy” is a fraudulent website due to the following reasons:-

# The trust seal logos such as Norton, McAfee and so on that “All Now Trendy” has provided on its check-out page are fake trust seals because when we click on them, those send us to the home page of website. The trust seals presented on the cart and product detail pages of website are even not clickable. However, when we click the real trust seal logos, that should send us to the official website of respective trust seal providers to verify those trust seals. So, it is clear that AllNowTrendy has provided the fake trust seal logos, not the real ones. This is a big warning bell as none of the legit sites will try to trick people by showing them fake trust seal logos.

# Although provides the option to purchase the items using the credit card, it hasn’t provided the required security measures to secure the credit card information and has tried to trick people by showing the fake trust seal logos. So if you shop at this site, your credit card information can be stolen.

# These days multiple new online stores are claiming to sell various items on huge discount, but most of them are scams. So, it’s better to stay away from the new online stores or at least do some research before you purchase something from the new online stores because most of these new online stores don’t deliver the purchased items to their clients or, deliver completely different or very low-quality items. So, in this scenario, it’s better to stay away from the sites like which even don’t provide the real trust seals. Some of these kinds of online stores even have charged the credit card of clients randomly without their consent. So, if you have ever purchased mistakenly from scam sites, we suggest you immediately contact your bank or credit card company to secure your credit card information.

Now you must be clear why is an All Now Trendy scam through our AllNowTrendy review as above. However, if you still want to add your own reviews or want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below.

If you want to share this review with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of this AllNowTrendy scam, then please feel free to do so.

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.

7 thoughts on “AllNowTrendy Review: Legit? Scam

  1. Ordered low temp welding rods 7/23/19, it is now 8/7/19, no response to 2 emails, asking why my product still has not left China, my next step is to engage the Federal Trade Commission. I don't like being scammed.

  2. Items not as advertised.
    I ordered as advertised 3-wifi cameras. (ordered April 16, 2019 -received may 28, 2019 The advertisement on Facebook claimed, I would be able to monitor my home/ business from my phone. IT DOES NOT!! Once I leave my home, out of WIFI reach, the cameras disconnect from the phone.
    "Upon receiving, I attempted per the vague instructions and was not successful. I tried to contact your company for technical assistance but there is no live "chat" or customer service. No receipt , no invoice in my shipment or contact info except 1 phone #) Then , Only an answering recording device " To contact us about an order email us using the email address on our website" ( no site address given , and when I did find the site, under a different .shop not .com The message continued to state:" Do not leave a message as we do not return calls. Pres 3 for customer service (I pressed 3" ) "Please leave a message". ???
    I left a message twice, in May 2019 upon receiving my order (May 25, 2018, that I needed technical direction or assistance and no one returned my call. I also stated if I didn't receive a call back ,upon the second message, I would dispute the charges.)
    I disputed the charges and funny my CC company got a response from they provided document and stated, get this... " "......the customer may be attempting to deceive their credit card company in order to receive a free item at our expense. We will not be a victim of fraud and will take legal action if necessary." I replied to my CC company via email (sent ANT a copy) and returned the 2nd dispute. And now it's July 23, 2019 Guess what?... I just discovered ( you have to scroll down to the FAQ in the bottom banner of their website to learn.....they don't give refunds unless it's defective ( they will replace the product but you have to pay insurance and shipping back to CHINA!!! and only within 60 days. GOOD F'N LUCK...I GOT ROBBED FOR $147.42

  3. BUYER BEWARE: I paid $32.82 for the trademarked Magcon design tool from All Now Trendy and an extra 5.99 for shipping and handling. What I got felt like a cheap knock-off that didn't have the trademark symbol on it and the video demonstration of the product was misleading. Sure, you can get a refund if you push for it but you are on your own with the USPS $15 shipping cost from the US. For that shipping cost alone I could have bought a Magcon knock-off with free shipping from Amazon. This is my 2nd disappointing experience with China-shipped online shopping. No more.

  4. I purchased 3 items from and only received 2. The items were split up and went to 2 different addresses because they were gifts. The 1st received item was single, which was correct for one order so didnt give it a thought, gave the gift and threw the pkg away. The 2nd pkg only contained one item not 2, so now the problem begins. All trendy wants pics of the envelopes, which at this time now I can only provide one. So they're saying nothing can be done. So now I'm without the Item and they kept the money I paid for. Dont buy from this company. This is my warning sign to everyone that reads this.

    1. I’m the same ordered 2 received 1. 8 months of emails and they still haven’t managed to find their “management team”. Luckily the item is cylindrical so it shouldn’t be a problem sticking it where I suggested.

  5. They are the worste. The tile cutter doesnt work but they wont ket me return it. Buyer beware.

  6. They are the worste. The tuke cutter doesnt work but they wont ket me return it. Buyer beware.

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