Beware of phishing messages coming from the email address in the name of Royal Mail Group Ltd. These kinds of scam messages claim your package could not be delivered on [date] and ask you to click the link. You should not click that link since that may infect your device. You can find one example of such messages below.
"From: Royal Mail Group Ltd [] Subject: Your package could not be delivered on [date] Unsuccessful delivery attempt Package from: HM Revenue & Customs Package type: Large letter Delivery date & time: [date & time] We attempted to deliver your package at [time] on [date] but no one was available. Your parcel was returned to our depot and you need to reschedule your package deliver. Please reschedule your package by pressing 'Reschedule Now' and one of our drivers will attempt to deliver your package. Reschedule Now [Text with link] Thank you, The Royal Mail Team This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply to it."
You may get similar types of such scam messages. So, you can help us by reporting similar kinds of scam messages below in the comment section. If you are concerned with your privacy, then you can comment below without submitting your email address.

What is the motive behind these fraudulent messages? The reality of the fake message - Royal Mail Group Ltd - Your package could not be delivered and so on.
These fraud messages are not from any genuine companies but are from scammers to get your personal information so that they can scam you. They may ask you to click some link and submit the personal details on the fake website posing the real ones or call them or message/reply to them where they will trick you to submit your personal details. So, you should not follow any instructions provided in these messages or click any link or download anything (if provided any) or follow any instructions. The links or files provided on these messages may also contain some viruses or malware or spyware that can hack your device as well.
So, if you get confused about the legitimacy of the messages that you received, then it’s better you contact or check on the official website of the respective company (in this case you can contact Royal Mail) to confirm either the messages you received are real or fake ones.
Once these cybercriminals get your personal information, they make money by selling those details. If they get your credit card information, even they can steal money from your credit card. So, you should not follow any instructions provided on these kinds of messages.
These messages may not come from the same number or same email or in the name of the same company. These scammers may use multiple numbers, emails, and the name of companies to send similar messages. A few examples of scam messages are:
- Scam Messages in the name of AT&T: You came 1st or 2nd or 3rd in the Connecticut AT&T Contest or Rewards or Sweepstakes
- Beware of Verizon's Technology Enabling Movement Scam Messages
- Scam Message - There is a parcel(HAR-V572-NOR) waiting to be collected: 1lmr com
- etc.
So, help us by reporting similar types of messages by using the comment section below. You can even comment below without providing your email address.
Now you know the reality of these kinds of fraud messages. So, if you still want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below. You can also comment below to report about similar kinds of scams or even to report about any kinds of scams. After all, we are here to spread awareness about scams. So, let’s do it together. Let’s save innocent people from scams.
You can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE< or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.
If you want to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of these kinds of scam messages, then please feel free to do so.
Good Luck!
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