If you are looking for what does NFSW mean, the meaning of NFSW, the definition of NFSW, the acronym of NFSW, the abbreviation of NFSW, then your search ends here because here we are going to provide you the NFSW slang meaning, the NFSW definition, the NFSW acronym, the NFSW abbreviation as well as how this word is used in the conversations.
So, then what is NFSW? For what does NFSW stand?
The slang NFSW stands for “Not For Showing Wife”. This acronym is used when something is critically not to be known to the wives as the consequences of knowing may seriously damage the relationship. So NFSW is used when something is strongly needed to be hidden from the wife.
How is acronym NFSW used in the conversations?
Some of the examples of how the slang word NFSW is used over the conversations are:
Man 1: Hey man I trust you and told you about my life, but this is NFSW.
Man 2: Ya I can understand. It’s seriously NFSW.
Man 1: Did your wife see your vacations pictures with Natasha?
Man 2: That’s NFSW man. Do you think she will stay with me after that?
Woman 1: These men are too much. They barely let us know their life outside the home.
Woman 2: Ya…they just say their professional affairs are NFSW.
Woman 1: Every man is a rascal.
Woman 2: Hahaha ya they are!!!
Man 1: My wife left me. We broke up last month.
Man 2: That was obvious as you have many things NFSW.
And so on.
What do you think? Why do people use the short form of words?
Actually, today’s generations feel more comfortable and trendy using these types of internet slang words as these are easy and fast to type as well as pronounce. They use devices like mobile, laptop, iPad etc. in which slang words are more practical. Especially youngsters use slang words in order to show themselves cool and stylish. But nowadays, slang words are used everywhere.
Now you know the meaning of NFSW from the above definition, so if you want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below.
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