Insider's Guide: How to Avoid Krabi Travel Scams

You can find multiple common tourist scams in Krabi, Thailand like the picture scam, overpriced taxis, friendly bar friends, transportation transfers, boat scams, the guessing game scam, ATM assistance, the bird poop scam, etc.

This article not only brings attention to common tourism scams but also offers valuable tips on how to protect yourself from falling victim to them.


Krabi, with its stunning landscapes and captivating beaches, has long been a sought-after destination for travelers seeking paradise in Thailand.

While the majority of experiences in Krabi are delightful, it's important to acknowledge that like any popular tourist destination, scams can be an unfortunate aspect of the journey.

Navigating Travel Scams in Krabi

The "Picture Scam":

A seemingly innocent request for you to snap a photo can quickly turn sour. Scammers hand over their camera for a picture, only to drop it intentionally, accusing you of damage and demanding payment.

To evade this, exercise caution when approached by strangers for such favors. Politely decline unless you're confident about their intentions.

Overpriced Taxis:

Navigating local transportation can sometimes lead to encounters with unscrupulous taxi drivers who refuse to use meters or manipulate fares.

Shield yourself by negotiating fares before embarking on your journey. Insist on the meter being used to determine an accurate fare. Employing maps and GPS tools can also empower you to challenge any unjustified overcharging.

ATM Assistance:

As you withdraw cash from an ATM, well-meaning strangers might offer assistance, often leading to card skimming and unauthorized access to your accounts.

Safeguard your personal identification number (PIN) by covering the keypad with your hand while entering it. Politely decline any help and remain vigilant.

"Friendly" Bar Friends:

Krabi's vibrant nightlife can become a breeding ground for scams. Some individuals might approach you with seemingly friendly intentions, inviting you to a nearby bar they're affiliated with. Once there, you're hit with exorbitant bills.

Shield yourself by recommending the bar yourself or perusing the menu upon arrival to gauge the prices.

The Bird Poop Scam:

Walking along Krabi's streets, you might feel an unexpected splatter on your shoulder. A "concerned" local rushes to your aid, helping you clean up while surreptitiously pickpocketing you.

Maintain your guard against unsolicited help and be cautious of strangers who offer assistance.

The Guessing Game Scam:

Cleverly executed on the streets, this scam involves a group setting up a guessing game to divert your attention while an accomplice picks your pockets.

Stay alert and vigilant, keeping your valuable belongings hidden and secure.

Beware of Travel Agent Scams:

While travel agents are often seen as allies in planning your Krabi adventure, it's essential to be cautious of potential scams in this domain. Unscrupulous travel agents might exploit your trust for personal gain, tarnishing your vacation experience.

Prioritize well-established, reputable travel agencies with positive reviews and a history of customer satisfaction. Avoid agencies with a limited online presence or suspiciously low prices.

Before finalizing any bookings, insist on receiving detailed itineraries and confirmations for accommodations, tours, and transfers to ensure clarity and minimize the risk of last-minute changes or hidden fees.

Seek out independent reviews and testimonials from previous customers, and avoid paying the full amount upfront without proper documentation.

Transportation Transfers:

Transportation transfers, designed to streamline your journey between attractions, carry both convenience and caution. These interludes, while providing a chance to stretch your legs, can also be rife with potential scams.

At some transfer stops, you might encounter unsolicited promotions from intermediaries, touting tours and accommodations that might not align with your interests or needs.

In such moments, it's imperative to exercise caution and maintain a watchful eye over your belongings. Ensure that your essentials remain well within your line of sight, deterring any attempts at unauthorized access.

Taxi Driver Theft:

Instances of taxi drivers rifling through passengers' belongings during brief stops are deeply disconcerting and can cast a shadow of doubt on an otherwise enjoyable journey.

To shield yourself from such invasive acts, it's imperative to take proactive measures. Ensure that your crucial items remain within arm's reach, allowing you to maintain constant vigilance over them.

Never make the mistake of leaving valuable possessions unattended, even for a moment, as the opportunistic nature of these acts requires only the smallest window of opportunity.

Boat Scams:

While embarking on boat tours in Krabi is a fantastic way to explore its stunning coastline and pristine waters, there's a cautionary note to be aware of. An unsettling scam can emerge in this seemingly tranquil setting, where passengers disembark for island adventures while the boat crew remains onboard.

While it may appear like a well-organized arrangement, this situation can unwittingly create opportunities for theft from unattended bags. As you set sail for unforgettable experiences, take heed of these essential precautions to ensure your belongings stay safe and your journey remains unspoiled.

To foil any attempts at theft and secure your belongings during boat tours, "Keep Your Essentials Close, Choose Lockable Bags, Travel Light, Stay Watchful, etc."

Few Tips To Avoid Such Scams

Research and Choose Reputable Tour Operators:

In the realm of tours and activities, scam artists can deceive unsuspecting tourists. Protect yourself by conducting thorough research before making any bookings. Opt for well-reviewed, established tour operators to ensure your experience is genuine and secure.

Validate Entrance Fees:

Before entering any attractions, validate the official entrance fees to prevent overpayment due to misinformation or manipulation.

Confirm All Details:

Double-check the details of your bookings, particularly transportation and accommodation arrangements, to avoid misunderstandings or sudden changes.

Trust Official Information:

When seeking information about attractions, timings, and fees, rely on official sources or visitor centers to ensure accuracy and authenticity.

Be Cautious of "Helpful" Locals:

While many locals are genuinely helpful, exercise discretion when approached by strangers offering assistance, especially if money or valuables are involved.

Avoid Overly Aggressive Touts:

In bustling areas, aggressive touts might pressure you into unwanted services or purchases. Politely decline and walk away if you feel uncomfortable.

Keep Valuables Secure:

To thwart potential thieves, consider using anti-theft devices like money belts or hidden pouches to safeguard your valuables.

Protect Your Mobile Devices:

As modern essentials, phones and cameras are vulnerable to theft. Stay vigilant and keep them secure at all times.

Use Reputable Exchange Services:

When exchanging currency, choose reputable exchange counters to avoid receiving counterfeit money or falling prey to fraudulent exchanges.

Stay Informed About Local Laws:

Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs to navigate the destination respectfully and avoid legal entanglements.

Trust Your Instincts:

Lastly, trust your instincts. If a situation seems too good to be true or feels suspicious, heed your intuition and proceed cautiously.


1. What are some common travel scams in Krabi, Thailand?

Common scams include the "Picture Scam," overpriced taxis, ATM assistance schemes, "Friendly" Bar Friends, and the Bird Poop Scam. Be cautious and informed to avoid falling victim.

2. How can I avoid falling for overpriced taxis?

Negotiate fares upfront or insist on using the taxi meter. Utilize maps and GPS applications to gauge accurate fare estimates.

3. What precautions should I take at ATMs?

Protect your PIN by covering the keypad and decline assistance from strangers. Use ATMs in well-lit and secure areas.

4. How can I steer clear of the "Friendly" Bar Friends scam?

Suggest a bar yourself or review the menu upon arrival to gauge prices. Don't feel obligated to follow strangers to unfamiliar establishments.

5. What is the Bird Poop Scam and how can I avoid it?

Scammers drop white paste on you, prompting a "helpful" local to offer assistance while pickpocketing you. Politely decline unsolicited help and secure your valuables.

6. What is the Guessing Game Scam?

Scammers divert your attention with a street performance while accomplices pick your pockets. Stay alert and keep your belongings secure.

7. How can I safeguard my belongings during transportation transfers?

Keep your belongings within sight and reach during transfer stops. Be cautious of your surroundings.

8. How do I prevent taxi driver theft during pit stops?

Keep important belongings within arm's reach and avoid leaving valuables unattended. Stay vigilant and aware.

9. What measures can I take to prevent boat scams?

Keep your essential items with you at all times when disembarking from boats. Don't leave your belongings unattended.

10. How can I verify the legitimacy of tour operators and attractions?

Thoroughly research tour operators before booking. Opt for well-reviewed, established operators to ensure a legitimate and enjoyable experience. Verify official entrance fees and attraction details.


Krabi's allure lies in its pristine landscapes and cultural authenticity. Armed with insights into common travel scams and strategies to counteract them, you can explore this tropical paradise while preserving your peace of mind.

With vigilance and discernment, you'll not only safeguard your travel experience but also contribute to preserving Krabi's reputation as a destination of wonder and authenticity.

Have More Insights? Share and Connect! We believe that collective awareness is a powerful tool against scams. If you've encountered any additional travel scams in Krabi, we encourage you to share your experiences in the comments section below.

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.

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