Meanings of Words and Slangs That You Need To Know

Below you can find the definition, acronym, abbreviation of various slangs and words which you might find in the posts or comments of our website. So, check the relevant meanings of relevant words and slangs in alphabetical order as below:


BNIB Meaning

The slang word “BNIB” stands for “Brand New In Box”. It is mostly used in the internet conversation especially on online sales and auctions as well as in chats, messages, posts, emails and so on.

How is abbreviation BNIB used in the conversations? Examples of BNIB:-

50% discount on branded shoes, BNIB.


DYEL Meaning

The slang word “DYEL” stands for “Do You Even Lift?”.

How is abbreviation DYEL used in the conversations? Some Examples are:

DYEL? You said you are going to the gym from 2 years.

DYEL Dude? Still it doesn't look so.


GL Meaning

There are multiple meanings of GL.

It stands for “Good Luck”, “Good Looks” or “Good Looking”. So, when people write “GL” while chatting, posting on social media sites and so on then that means “Good Luck” or “Good Looking” or “Good Looks”. It is mostly used in the internet conversation like chats, messages, posts, emails and so on.

It also stands for Gastric Lavage, which is a procedure used to remove poison from a patient's stomach.

How is GL used in the conversations?

Example of GL as “Good Luck”:-

I wish GL for you.

GL for the exam tomorrow.

I really need a GL to beat the competition today.

Example of GL as “Good Looking”:-

He is very GL.

Am I GL?


HH Meaning

It stands for the short form of “Ha Ha” or “Heh Heh” which is used in the conversations like chats, messages, posts, emails etc. as a mild laughter (not like LOL) or to show amusement/happiness over something.

It is also the short form of “Happy Hour” which is usually the time after work for fun like gathering, drinking, dancing, singing, talking, partying etc.

Furthermore, it is also used in the conversations typically by lovebirds which mean “Hold Hands or Holding Hands”.

It also goes for the shortened form of “Hand Hug” which is like high five but clinch the thumbs around each other’s hand.

Moreover, it also means Half Hour used in a menu of s*xual services.

It is also the abbreviation for “Hoe Hotline” which is used for a cell phone in which lots of notifications and calls are frequently received, especially at nights.

It is also used for “Hat Hot” Man who mostly wears a hat and looks hot in it.

Furthermore, it is also used by girls to indicate “H*e’s who follow guys”

It also means “Hulk Hunting” which means woman looking for a man in desperation of s*x or some happiness.

Likewise, it has several meanings which are used as per situation and conversations.

How is HH used in the conversations? Some of the examples are:

Boy 1: Did you see Adam’s face?

Boy 2: HH!! Too funny!!


Girl 1: Just loved your dress!!!

Girl 2: HH thanks!!


Boy 1: Hey man let’s meet today on HH.

Boy 2: Yehhh ok!!!


Boy: I love you!!!

Girl: Love you too!!!

Boy: HH

Girl: HH


Girl 1: You are just too funny….Give me High Five girl!!!

Girl 2: Ahhhh HH is better!!!


Boy 1: Did you see the menu? It’s $50 for HH.

Boy 2: Yehhhh!!!


Wife: Your HH is still popping…it’s midnight honey.

Husband: Okkkkk…..let me off this!!!


Girl 1: He is HH!!!

Girl 2: Blad or what??? But hot yeahhh!!!


A: Look that HH is following him around!!!

B: Yeah.


Woman 1: Are you thinking of HH tonight?

Woman 2: Yeah!!! Let's go for HH tonight.


ILU Meaning

The slang word “ILU” stands for “I Love You”. It is mostly used to express your love towards your loved ones.

How is abbreviation ILU used in the conversations? Some examples are:-

You are my angel. ILU

ILU more than I can say.

You are my life. ILU

You are the only reason I'm alive. ILU

I can't live without you. ILU


LLAP Meaning

The slang word “LLAP” stands for “Live Long and Prosper”. It is mostly used in the internet conversation like comments, chats, messages, posts, emails and so on.

How is abbreviation LLAP used in the conversations? Examples of LLAP:-

I wish GL for you. See you, Bye. LLAP

See you tomorrow. LLAP

I need sleep now. Talk to you tomorrow. LLAP


NY Meaning

The abbreviation “NY” stands for “New York” or “NewYork Yankee”. So, when people say or write “NY”, then that means “New York” or “NewYork Yankee”.

How NY is used in the conversations? Examples of NY:-

Do you live in NY?

Have you ever visit the NY?

That is NY team.


OOTD Meaning

OOTD stands for “Offer Of The Day” or “Outfit Of The Day” or “Opinion Of The Day”. So, when people write “OOTD” while chatting, posting on social media sites and so on, then that means “Offer Of The Day” or “Outfit Of The Day” or “Opinion Of The Day”. It is mostly used in the internet conversation like comments, chats, messages, posts, emails and so on.

How OOTD is used in the conversations? Example of OOTD as “Outfit Of The Day”:-

Is this your OOTD?

Example of OOTD as “Offer Of The Day”:-

What is the OOTD for this Black Friday?

Example of OOTD as “Opinion Of The Day”:-

What is the OOTD for this topic?


PL Meaning

There are multiple meanings of PL as below:

It stands for OK, which has been started as a typing error but now commonly used instead of OK.

It stands for “Power Leveling”, “Potential Lesbian”, “Patrol Leader”, “Psycho Lesbian” or “Pathetic Loser”.

So, when people write “PL” while chatting, posting on social media sites and so on then that means “OK”, “Power Leveling”, “Potential Lesbian”, “Patrol Leader”, “Psycho Lesbian” or “Pathetic Loser”. It is mostly used in the internet conversation like chats, messages, posts, emails and so on.

Since PL represents multiple meanings, so when someone says this slang word, then you should understand the meaning of it by yourself according to the conversation you have with that person.


RLY Meaning

This slang word stands for the short form of “Really” which is used to say “in fact or actually or truly etc.”

How is RLY used in the conversations? Few examples are:

Boy: I like you a lot.

Girl: Ohhh RLY????Thanks!!!


X: I met your dad yesterday.

Y: Gosh RLY!!!


Girl 1: I am RLY getting bored.

Girl 2: Come over here then.


Boy 1: I am gonna say it to her!!

Boy 2: I RLY don’t believe you now.


SS Meaning

There are multiple meanings of SS.

The slang word “SS” stands for “Screenshot”.

SS also stands for “Schutzstaffel” (Schutz means “Defense” and Staffel means “Echelon” in German)

SS also represents “Missing” which is especially used in games to signify that an enemy is missing.

How is SS used in the conversations? Few examples are:

Example of SS as “Screenshot”:-

Can you take SS of that post?

Example of SS as “Schutzstaffel”:-

The SS was an elite quasi-military unit of the N*zi party that served as Hitler's personal guard.


YROS Meaning

It stands for “You Retarded or Something?” which is used in response of something really stupid posts or status or conversation in the social media or over the internet chats, emails, messages etc.

How is YROS used in the conversations? Some examples are:

Girl: Why you put our picture on your wall? YROS?

Boy: ………


Boy: Can I come over there in the night?

Girl: YROS? We even don’t know each other.


A: I want to post something vulgar in his timeline.


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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.


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