If you are looking for what does Gekyume mean, the meaning of Gekyume, the acronym of Gekyume, the definition of Gekyume, the abbreviation of Gekyume, then you are in the right place because here we are going to provide you the Gekyume slang meaning, the Gekyume definition, the Gekyume acronym, the Gekyume abbreviation as well as how this acronym Gekyume is used over the conversations.

So, then what is “Gekyume”? For what does Gekyume stand?
The word Gekyume means a “different state” or “next” universe of thought.
The word Gekyume was made by XXXTentacion who was a rapper. He was shot in his own state of Florida and died at the age of 20. He has left an imprint on many peoples lives. There are also some people who don't like him, however, we never think there's a reason to celebrate the death of someone at just 20 years old. Hope his soul rest in peace (RIP).
Well, now you know the meaning of Gekyume from the above definition, so if you want to say something about it or if you know the additional meanings of Gekyume or want to elaborate the meaning of the Gekyume, then please feel free to leave your comment below.
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