If you are looking for what does FML mean, the meaning of FML, the acronym of FML, the definition of FML, the abbreviation of FML, then you are in the right platform because here we are going to provide you the FML slang meaning, the FML definition, the FML acronym, the FML abbreviation as well as how this acronym FML is used over the conversations.
So, then what is FML? For what does FML stand?
The slang word FML stands for “F*** my Life” which is used in the conversations like chats, messages, posts, emails etc. in such situation when something wrong or terrible happening in someone’s life. So, it is used to express the discontent or frustrations over life in hard time which literally means “My life sucks”.
FML is also a website i.e. fmylife.com where people posts some upsetting events that happen in their life which starts with Today and ends with FML i.e. Today my car got hit by some stupid rascal…I just bought it some days back….FML. But the stories here might be real or fictional.
The abbreviation FML also stands for “F***ing My Lady” which means someone having s*x with his girl. It’s a decent way of saying so.
The abbreviation FML also stands for “Fix My Lighthouse” which is used to say that someone is just being too much irritating or annoying.
How is FML used in the conversations?
Some of the examples of how the slang word FML is used in conversations are:
A: No one believes that I can do this…FML.
B: It’s not that bro….chill!!!
Boy 1: My father doesn’t allow me to be with that girl….FML.
Boy 2: Yeah man….that’s too much.
Girl 1: FML….why need to study so many things one at a time.
Girl 2: Yeah it really sucks…
Girl 1: Why moms are sucking? FML I can’t go too late night parties.
Girl 2: Gosh…FML too.
Boy 1: She ditched me once again….FML.
Boy 2: Why don’t you leave her?
Man 1: Hey man what you doing….let’s go to a bar for a chilled beer.
Man 2: Not now…I am FML.
Man 1: OOHHHH…Have fun!!!
Boy: Why don’t you leave him and come with me.
Girl: Go and FML….
And so on.
Well, now you know the meaning of FML from the above definition, so if you want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below.
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