If you are looking for what does BISOU mean, the meaning of BISOU, the acronym of BISOU, the definition of BISOU, the abbreviation of BISOU, then you are in the right platform because here we are going to provide you the BISOU slang meaning, the BISOU definition, the BISOU acronym, the BISOU abbreviation as well as how this acronym BISOU is used over the internet conversations.

So, then what is BISOU? For what does BISOU stand?
The slang word BISOU stands for the French word “Kiss” which is used in the internet conversations like chats, messages, posts, emails, Instagram, Tumblr, other social media, etc. to express the feeling of compassion or love. It is used when you welcome or pay goodbye to the person whom you like or love or even when you enjoy their company while being together virtually.
How is BISOU used in the conversations?
Some of the examples of how the slang word BISOU is used over the conversations are:
A: Hey I need to go now!!!
B: BISOU!!! See ya!!
A: I'll meet you next time when I'll be there. BISOU!!!
And so on.
Well, now you know the meaning of BISOU from the above definition, so if you want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below.
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