Alexandria Tourism Scams Exposed: What You Need to Know Before Visiting

You can find multiple common tourist scams in Alexandria like Phony Tourist Guides, Overpriced Taxi Ride, Counterfeit Money Exchange, Pickpocket, Bait-and-Switch at Shops, Restaurant Bill Padding, Fake Police Officers, Pushy Street Vendors, etc. This article sheds light on those common tourism scams in Alexandria, Egypt, as well as offering tips to protect yourself.


Alexandria, Egypt, is a city steeped in history, culture, and stunning Mediterranean vistas, attracting travelers from around the world. While it offers rich experiences, it's crucial to be aware of the various scams that can target tourists.

Unmasking Tourist Scams and Staying Safe

1. The Phony Tourist Guides

Scam Explanation: These con artists pose as local guides, offering their services to tourists.

They often approach you near popular attractions, claiming to provide in-depth knowledge and exclusive access. After a seemingly informative tour, they demand an exorbitant fee for their services, which may not have met your expectations.

How to Avoid: Always choose licensed tour guides from reputable agencies, and research and book tours in advance. Verify their credentials and licenses.

If approached by someone offering unsolicited guiding services, politely decline and seek out official guides.

2. The Overpriced Taxi Ride

Scam Explanation: Some taxi drivers in Alexandria may refuse to use the meter, especially for tourists. Instead, they quote an inflated price or claim your destination is farther than it actually is, leaving you with an unjustly high fare.

How to Avoid: Use reputable ride-sharing apps like Uber or agree on a fare before starting your journey. Opt for taxis with functioning meters, and insist that the driver uses it to ensure a fair price.

3. The Simulated Broken Taxi Meter

Scam Explanation: Dishonest taxi drivers pretend that their meter is broken and then charge you an arbitrary, inflated fee for the ride.

How to Avoid: Always ensure the taxi meter is working correctly before getting in. If the meter is genuinely out of order, negotiate a reasonable fare in advance to avoid any disputes.

4. The Counterfeit Money Exchange

Scam Explanation: Money changers offer tempting exchange rates, luring tourists with promises of better deals. However, they may provide counterfeit currency or shortchange you during the transaction.

How to Avoid: Exchange your money only at authorized banks or reputable exchange offices. Count your money carefully before leaving the establishment to verify its authenticity.

5. The Distraction Pickpocket

Scam Explanation: This scam typically involves a group of thieves working together. One person will distract you, often by asking for directions or creating a commotion, while an accomplice quietly steals your belongings.

How to Avoid: Stay vigilant and keep your belongings secure. Be cautious if someone appears overly helpful or persistent in their interactions with you, especially in crowded places.

6. The Bait-and-Switch at Shops

Scam Explanation: Some shopkeepers may lure you into their store with promises of incredible deals or rare items. However, once inside, they may present lower-quality products at significantly higher prices.

How to Avoid: Be skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true. Research the average prices for the items you're interested in before making a purchase, and don't hesitate to haggle.

7. The Closed Attraction Scam

Scam Explanation: Scammers may approach you near popular tourist sites, claiming that the attraction is closed for the day due to a special event or holiday. They then offer to take you on an alternative tour for a fee.

How to Avoid: Check the opening hours and event schedules of attractions in advance. If approached with such claims, verify with local authorities or official sources before agreeing to any alternative tours.

8. The Restaurant Bill Padding

Scam Explanation: Some restaurants may inflate your bill by adding items or charges you didn't order. This can significantly increase the total cost of your meal.

How to Avoid: Review your bill carefully before paying. Ensure that it matches your orders and prices listed on the menu. If you notice discrepancies, address them with the staff.

9. The Fake Police Officers

Scam Explanation: Scammers impersonate police officers and approach tourists, claiming they need to inspect their passports and valuables. In some cases, they may demand "fines" for alleged violations.

How to Avoid: Always ask for the identification of anyone claiming to be a police officer. Insist on going to the nearest police station for any verification. Do not hand over your passport or valuables to strangers.

10. The Pushy Street Vendors

Scam Explanation: Aggressive street vendors may pressure you into buying their products, using high-pressure sales tactics. They may overcharge for low-quality items.

How to Avoid: Politely but firmly decline vendors who make you uncomfortable. Set a budget for shopping and stick to it. Consider shopping in more established markets with fixed prices.

11. The Unsolicited "Gift" Scam

Scam Explanation: Someone may approach you, offering a seemingly free gift like a bracelet or trinket. Once you accept, they demand payment, insisting that it's not a gift after all.

How to Avoid: Politely decline unsolicited gifts, and avoid engaging with overly persistent individuals offering them. Be cautious of accepting anything from strangers.

12. The ATM Skimming

Scam Explanation: Criminals install skimming devices on ATMs to steal your card information and PIN. They may also watch you enter your PIN.

How to Avoid: Use ATMs located within banks or well-lit, secure areas. Cover your PIN while entering it, and regularly check your bank statements for any unauthorized transactions.

13. The Misleading Currency Exchange Rate

Scam Explanation: Money changers offer attractive exchange rates but provide a lower rate when exchanging your currency, resulting in a significant loss.

How to Avoid: Exchange money only at reputable banks or exchange offices. Confirm the rate and the total amount you should receive before handing over your currency.

14. The Closed Road Scam

Scam Explanation: Scammers inform you that the road to your destination is closed and offer an alternative route that may lead to unsafe areas or additional expenses.

How to Avoid: Verify road closures with local authorities or GPS navigation apps. Avoid unsolicited offers to redirect your journey.

15. The Excessive Luggage Assistance

Scam Explanation: Overzealous baggage handlers may offer to assist you with your luggage, only to demand high fees for their services.

How to Avoid: Handle your luggage independently whenever possible. If you require assistance, negotiate a reasonable fee in advance.

16. The Misleading "Official" Tickets

Scam Explanation: Scammers near popular attractions may sell fake or overpriced tickets, claiming they are official. These tickets may not grant you access.

How to Avoid: Purchase tickets from authorized ticket booths or official websites. Verify the authenticity of the tickets before entering any attraction.

17. The Unregistered Accommodation

Scam Explanation: Some accommodation providers may falsely claim to be affiliated with reputable hotels or resorts, offering discounted rates. However, they may provide subpar accommodations or disappear after payment.

How to Avoid: Book accommodations through trusted websites or directly with established hotels. Verify the legitimacy of any accommodation provider before making payments.

18. The Misleading Information Center

Scam Explanation: Scammers pose as helpful information center staff, providing tourists with false information about attractions, transportation, or services. They may recommend expensive alternatives.

How to Avoid: Use official information centers or verify recommendations through online resources or trusted sources. Be cautious of unsolicited assistance.

19. The "Lost" Passport Scam

Scam Explanation: Scammers may approach you, claiming they found your lost passport or valuables. They then demand a reward for returning them.

How to Avoid: Keep your belongings secure and be cautious of anyone claiming to have found your lost items. Insist on contacting local authorities for assistance.

20. The Unofficial Tourist Police

Scam Explanation: Individuals posing as tourist police officers may offer assistance, such as guiding you or providing information. They may demand payment for their services.

How to Avoid: Request identification from anyone claiming to be a tourist police officer. If in doubt, contact the official tourist police or local authorities for assistance.

21. Currency Exchange Scams

Scam Explanation: When exchanging currency in Alexandria, be cautious of unlicensed currency exchange vendors. They may offer seemingly attractive rates but can trick you by giving you counterfeit or outdated Egyptian pounds.

How to Avoid: Use authorized exchange offices or banks. Verify the exchange rate before making the transaction, and count your money carefully in front of the vendor.

22. Bait-and-Switch at Bazaars

Scam Explanation:While exploring Alexandria's vibrant bazaars and markets, you might encounter the bait-and-switch scam. Vendors may lure you with a low price on an item, but once you decide to purchase it, they may switch it with an inferior product or inflate the price.

How to Avoid: Always agree on the item's details and price before the transaction. If the vendor tries to change the terms, stand your ground or walk away.

FAQs About Tourism And Safety In Alexandria, Egypt

Alexandria is generally safe for tourists. While some scams and petty crimes occur, violent crimes are rare. It's essential to stay cautious and follow safety tips.

1. Is Alexandria, Egypt, a safe destination for tourists?

Alexandria, Egypt, is generally considered a safe destination for tourists. However, like any other city, it's essential for visitors to exercise common safety precautions. Be aware of your surroundings, follow local guidelines, and stay updated on any travel advisories or recommendations from your government. Additionally, it's advisable to check the current safety situation before your trip and stay in well-traveled and well-lit areas, especially at night.

2. What are the most common tourist scams in Alexandria?

Common scams include overcharging in taxis, counterfeit goods, unofficial tour guides, and distraction theft. Be vigilant and avoid unsolicited offers.

3. Is it safe for solo female travelers in Alexandria?

Alexandria can be safe for solo female travelers. Dress modestly, avoid poorly lit areas at night, and be aware of your surroundings to stay safe.

4. What is the best way to get from Cairo to Alexandria?

Travelers can take buses, taxis, or trains from Cairo to Alexandria. Trains are a safe and affordable option, while taxis may require negotiation.

5. Are there safety concerns regarding terrorism in Alexandria?

While there is a low risk of terrorism, travelers should remain vigilant, avoid crowded areas, and stay updated on travel advisories.

6. How can I protect myself from pickpocketing in Alexandria?

To prevent pickpocketing, keep your belongings secure, especially in crowded places and on public transport. Use a money belt or anti-theft bag.

7. Are there natural disaster risks in Alexandria?

Alexandria is in a seismically active zone, but major earthquakes are rare. Travelers should be aware of earthquake safety measures.

8. Can I drink tap water in Alexandria?

Drinking tap water is not recommended. Stick to bottled water to avoid waterborne illnesses.

9. What are the best ways to avoid scams from street vendors in Alexandria?

Avoid unsolicited offers, negotiate taxi fares in advance, and be cautious of overly friendly locals offering services.

10. Is it better to explore Alexandria independently or with a guided tour?

- While independent travel is possible, guided tours offer convenience, safety, and local expertise, making them a popular choice for many travelers.


While Alexandria, Egypt, offers a wealth of enriching experiences, it's essential to remain vigilant and informed about potential tourist scams. By staying aware of these common scams and following the provided tips on how to protect yourself, you can explore this beautiful city safely and enjoy all it has to offer. Remember, knowledge and caution are your best allies in ensuring a memorable and scam-free trip to Alexandria.

Have You Encountered Any Additional Scams in Alexandria?

We believe in the power of collective knowledge. If you've come across any other scams during your visit to Alexandria, Egypt, we encourage you to share your experiences with fellow travelers. Your insights could help others stay safe and informed.

Share Your Travel Experiences

We'd love to hear about your adventures in Alexandria! Whether you explored its historic sites, enjoyed the local cuisine, or discovered hidden gems, your travel stories can inspire and inform fellow globetrotters. Feel free to share your experiences and recommendations in the comments section below.

Spread Awareness and Stay Informed

Traveling is not only about exploring new places but also about learning and sharing to ensure safe journeys for all. If you found this article helpful, consider sharing it on your social media platforms to help raise awareness among your friends and family about the potential scams in Alexandria.

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Safe travels, and may your adventures be filled with wonderful memories!

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.

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