Review: MartLifestyle Scam or Legit?

Mart Lifestyle, which is selling products like Dino Racer, LED Light Therapy Mask, InstaFlex Trainer, and so on, doesn’t seem to be a trustworthy online store. Does that mean MartLifestyle is a scam? Well, let’s find out either is a scam or genuine and what is in real through our MartLifestyle review here. So, let’s begin with our Mart Lifestyle review.

MartLifestyle complaints MartLifestyle fake or real MartLifestyle legit or fraud

Mart Lifestyle is a fraudulent online store due to the following reasons:-

# MartLifestyle hasn't provided its contact phone number and has provided its company's address as dwA Wuhan, ASFDASFD Hebei, China on its "Privacy Policy" page. But, Google Maps can't find the exact location of this address which proves it is a fake address. So, this makes MartLifestyle a very suspicious site.

# Like lots of scam sites, the website MartLifestyle has also lots of drawbacks. For example;

  • It has designed its website very roughly.
  • It is selling some products by offering an unrealistic heavy discount price. Such discounts are mostly offered by scam sites.
  • Some content provided on the MartLifestyle website match with multiple scam sites.
  • It hasn’t secured its website properly with security services like McAfee or Norton, etc. So, if you shop at this site, your personal and financial information might be stolen.

# These days multiple new online stores are claiming to sell various items on a huge discount or at a higher price, but most of them are scams. So, it’s better to stay away from the new online stores or at least do some research before you purchase something from the new online stores because most of these new online stores don’t deliver the purchased items to their clients or, deliver completely different or very low-quality items. Some scam online stores even have charged the credit card of clients randomly without their consent. So, if you have ever purchased mistakenly from scam sites, we suggest you immediately contact your bank or credit card company to secure your credit card information.

# Actually, these days you can find lots of online stores which haven't provided any contact information or have provided the fake contact information such as Shoppingink, Olypant, Wddtfy, Dllacklure, Martying, OddityFind, ViralizedMart, FromHomeFitness, Presstool, Idealwiki, RanoTech, SunPowerTool, ImmuJet, Bandamo, Marcuris, Zackaryo, Shoplauer, Kegate, Elishops, RoutsShop, MatastoreClub, SunleafClub, Comouna, Picksof, Zandov, MioyotShop, CurveFits, Vivierstore, Soroks, Heartul, Bluewwo, Chokero, AriasShop, MateClubs, Fefall, Prettyat, Knixdon, and so on.

It is clear that MartLifestyle is a scam site through our MartLifestyle review as above. However, if you still want to add your own reviews or want to say something about it, then please feel free to leave your comment below. You can also comment below to report about any kinds of scams. After all, we are here to spread awareness about the scams. So, let’s do it together. Let’s save innocent people from scams.

If you want to share this Mart Lifestyle review with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of this Mart Lifestyle scam, then please feel free to do so.

Actually, we recommend you to share this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts because it will help to spread the awareness about scams. More we share about unprofessional or scam sites with our friends and families, more they will be aware of scams which will ultimately make difficult for a scammer to scam innocent people. So, it’s better you share this post with your friends and families if you want to spread awareness against scams.

You can find the lots of suspicious sites listed within our “Suspicious” category by clicking >HERE< or you can find about various kinds of scams by scrolling within our “Scams” category by clicking >HERE< or you can navigate our website through our home page to find out the several interesting and knowledgeable articles under different categories by clicking >HERE<.

These days there are lots of scam online stores. So, we want to suggest you shop related products only from the renowned online stores like Amazon and so on in order to save yourself from scams. Or, at least do some research before you purchase anything from unknown online stores.

We request you to spread awareness about the scam and suspicious online websites/activities by sharing the information provided on our website [] through your social media accounts which can help your families and friends to be safe from scams. The numbers of online scams are massively increasing each day with ever new tricks and strategies, so it has become very crucial to aware the society about those scammers so that it will make scammer difficult to scam people. So, please let your friends and families know that they can rely on our website [] to check the legitimacy of any online websites. You can also bookmark our website so that it will be easy for you to visit our website repeatedly at the time of need to check the legitimacy of any online companies or online activities.

Thank you.

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De Roka Author
I am Suman Roka, also known as De Roka. I'm the Author, Editor, Researcher, and Founder of I've been working online since 2009. After falling into many scams myself, I finally learned to check and identify scams. So, since 2014, I'm not only checking scams for myself but also making people aware of those scams. My efforts have been acknowledged by GASA (Global Anti-Scam Alliance), which has listed as a member for its commitment to fight against scams. To find out more info about me, please check our About Us page.


29 responses to “ Review: MartLifestyle Scam or Legit?”

  1. Angie Missall Avatar
    Angie Missall

    I ordered 2 Dino racers and 1 unicorn racer for birthday and Christmas gifts i April of 2020 have not received them, I'm out over $150.
    SCAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Michael Dempsey Avatar
    Michael Dempsey

    I also ordered the Dino racer for my nephew AND the unicorn for his sister! All was good till
    the tracking page disappeared. Now the kids have no toys & I have no cash.

  3. Teresa Baldizon Avatar
    Teresa Baldizon

    I also ordered the Dino Race about the same time you all did. Facebook must really do better to protect us from these scam the same way facebook close user account for posting vulgar messages the same way facebook must act quick to remove those scanner

    1. De Roka - Avatar
      De Roka -

      Yes, completely agree with you.

  4. Jennifer Bundy Avatar
    Jennifer Bundy

    I ordered the dino racer and it never came!!! So angry I've emailed constantly with no return responses. They took my money!


    J'ai acheté un DINO RACER pour mon petit-fils, j'ai payé avec ma carte de crédit et j'ai recu un numéro de tracking mais quand je veux vérifier où mon colis est rendu erreur 504 Gateway time out apparait. J'ai passé ma commande le 16 Juin et j'attends toujours, c'est vraiment désolant.

    1. De Roka - Avatar
      De Roka -

      Dans ce cas, vous devez contacter votre banque ou société de carte de crédit et leur demander de vous aider avec un remboursement. Montrez-leur cet article comme référence. Expliquez-leur tout.
      Bonne chance!

  6. I bought on 17th June 2020 dino car on facebook paid by my card as paypal link was not there and paid $69 for my daughter's birthday and already told her that her dino car arrive soon, she asking me every day! , item never arrived. i got message from on my mobile with tracking number but it was fake, message came from number +13235777165 , not working now. FACEBOOK should investigate this BIG SCAM. lots of people been scammed. all of these happened in the month of June 2020, I guess.

    1. De Roka - Avatar
      De Roka -

      Yes, Facebook really needs to do something to check their ads more strictly.

    2. Lynne Cookson Avatar
      Lynne Cookson

      The same has happened to me! Still waiting for reply from emails asking where it is since ordered the beginning of June!! Luckily haven’t told my little boy but really can’t afford to loose the money !!! So angry !!!

      1. De Roka - Avatar
        De Roka -

        If you want your money back, then you should contact your bank or credit card company and ask them to help you with a refund. If you had paid via PayPal, open a dispute via your PayPal account, and contact the PayPal support team. Show them this post as a reference. Explain to them everything.

        Good Luck!

    3. Cherlindrea Taylor Avatar
      Cherlindrea Taylor

      Yes, I must agree. I order the Dino Racer and the 2in1 scooter in June of 2020 for my grandson and my niece and they never came and it's the 13th of January 2021. I tried contacting the BBB to report them. I paid through paypal. I even tried reaching out to Paypal, nothing!! They need to be stopped!!!

  7. Fatima Diaz Avatar
    Fatima Diaz

    I ordered the Dino bike also on June 15 and I am yet to receive anything a few weeks ago the tracking site still worked which was Pryexpress tracking but now the shipping company site and the actual ordering site are down.

  8. Crystal Johns Avatar
    Crystal Johns

    We ordered dino racer with my Dads card for his grandson on june 20 2020, never got product! They should be ashamed for all the disappointed kids and ripping ppl off

  9. Ossama M Abdou Aboshama Avatar
    Ossama M Abdou Aboshama

    I have ordered the Dino racer for my son on 19/June/2020 , and I received a message on 21 /June /2020 that the Dina has been shipped. Since this day I didn’t receive the Dino and I try to approach the link given in the message but it mentioned that something went wrong . I think it’s fake and we have lost our money. They have stolen our money

    1. De Roka - Avatar
      De Roka -

      In this case, you should contact your bank or credit card company and ask them to help you with a refund. If you had paid via PayPal, open a dispute via your PayPal account, and contact the PayPal support team. Show them this review as a reference. Explain to them everything.
      Good Luck!

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